
最新のコメント:5 年前 | トピック:2017年イギリスは既にEUを離脱したか | 投稿者:頂上決戦

2017年イギリスは既にEUを離脱したか 編集


No member state has as of yet withdrawn from the EU (or the EEC), however the Government of the United Kingdom triggered Article 50 to begin the UK’s withdrawal from the EU in March 2017 following a referendum, and the withdrawal is scheduled to occur on 29 March 2019. — 英語版 "Withdrawal from the European Union" 03:30, 3 October 2018‎ (UTC)

--頂上決戦会話2018年10月7日 (日) 11:13 (UTC)返信
