

脚注 編集

  1. ^ a b Pibloktoq. (n.d.) Segen's Medical Dictionary. (2011). Retrieved February 26 2017 from http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Pibloktoq

関連文献 編集

  • Higgs, Rachel D. (2011) "Pibloktoq - A study of a culture-bound syndrome in the circumpolar region," The Macalester Review: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 3.
  • Landy D (1985). “Pibloktoq (hysteria) and Inuit nutrition: possible implication of hypervitaminosis A”. Soc Sci Med 21 (2): 173–85. doi:10.1016/0277-9536(85)90087-5. PMID 4049004. 
  • Littleton, K (1962). “Psychosis in inuit society”. American Anthropologist 64: 76–96. doi:10.1525/aa.1962.64.1.02a00080. 
  • Morton R (1978). “Hypervitaminosis A”. Soc Sci Med 11 (4): 90–142. 
  • Parker, S (1962). “Eskimo psychopathology in the context of Eskimo personality and culture”. American Anthropologist 64: 76–96. doi:10.1525/aa.1962.64.1.02a00080.