イギリス国民党(イギリスこくみんとう、英語: British National Party)は、イギリス政党。党首はニック・グリフィン1982年結党。


British National Party
議長 Adam Walker
創立 1982年
本部所在地 ウェールズWelshpool
機関誌 Voice of Freedom
青年部 Resistance (YBNP)
党員・党友数 減少 500人(2013年12月)[1]
政治的思想 ネオ・ファシズム[2][3][4][5]
White nationalism[8][9][10]
British nationalism
政治的立場 極右[14]
欧州連携 Alliance of European National Movements[15]
0 / 650
0 / 73
2 / 21,871
0 / 25
Police & Crime
0 / 41

概要 編集





BBC出演時の騒動 編集


関連項目 編集

脚注 編集

  1. ^ Eaton, George (2015年1月14日). “Green Party membership on course to overtake Ukip's”. New Statesman. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2015/01/green-party-membership-course-overtake-ukips 2015年1月15日閲覧。 
  2. ^ Renton, David (1 March 2005). “'A day to make history'? The 2004 elections and the British National Party”. Patterns of Prejudice 1 (39): 25. doi:10.1080/00313220500045170. 
  3. ^ Copsey, Nigel (2007). “Changing course or changing clothes? Reflections on the ideological evolution of the British National Party 1999–2006”. Patterns of Prejudice 41 (1): 61–82. doi:10.1080/00313220601118777. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00313220601118777. 
  4. ^ Copsey 2004
  5. ^ Wood, C; Finlay, W. M. L. (December 2008). “British National Party representations of Muslims in the month after the London bombings: Homogeneity, threat, and the conspiracy tradition”. British Journal of Social Psychology 47 (4): 707–26. doi:10.1348/014466607X264103. PMID 18070375. 
  6. ^ Golder, M. (2003). “Explaining Variation in the Success of Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe:”. Comparative Political Studies 36 (4): 432. doi:10.1177/0010414003251176. 
  7. ^ Evans, Jocelyn A J (2005). “The Dynamics of Social Change in Radical Right-wing Populist Party Support”. Comparative European Politics 3: 76. doi:10.1057/palgrave.cep.6110050. 
  8. ^ Bonnett, Alastair (1998). “How the British Working Class Became White: The Symbolic (Re)formation of Racialized Capitalism”. Journal of Historical Sociology 11 (3): 316. doi:10.1111/1467-6443.00066. 
  9. ^ Back, Les; Keith, Michael; Khan, Azra; Shukra, Kalbir; Solomos, John (2002). “New Labour's White Heart: Politics, Multiculturalism and the Return of Assimilation”. The Political Quarterly 73 (4): 445. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.00499. 
  10. ^ Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B.; Grant, Diana R.; Chiang, Chau-Pu (2003). “Hate Online: A Content Analysis of Extremist Internet Sites”. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 3: 29. doi:10.1111/j.1530-2415.2003.00013.x. 
  11. ^ Woodbridge, Steven (2011). "Ambivalent admiration? The response of other extreme-right groups to the rise of the BNP". In: Copsey, Nigel and Macklin, Graham, (eds.) British National Party: Contemporary Perspectives. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. p. 116: "Defense of 'race and nation' can still act as a major litmus test of a leader's credibility for many far-right activists, and, since 1999, BNP leader Griffin has been increasingly viewed as having failed this test by the 'white nationalist' and openly neo-Nazi factions on the British extreme right. The BNP's adoption of 'ethno-nationalism' in 2006, with a new emphasis on cultural identity rather than racial hierarchy, was received with particular dismay by racial nationalists, and this consternation was reinforced by the BNP's change to its membership criteria in 2009 to allow members from the ethnic minorities to join the party."
  12. ^ "The ethno-nationalism that the party now espouses is inherently racist and yet, at the same time, it allows a politically expedient opposition to white migration from Eastern Europe and the repudiation of worldwide 'white pride' racial nationalism." (Copsey, 2007)
  13. ^ Minkenberg, Michael; Perrineau, Pascal (2007). “The Radical Right in the European Elections 2004”. International Political Science Review 28 (1): 34–26. doi:10.1177/0192512107070401. 
  14. ^ Copsey, Nigel; Macklin, Graham (2011). The British National Party: Contemporary Perspectives. Routledge. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=e3udQAAACAAJ&hl=en 
  15. ^ “BNP in alliance with nationalists”. BBC News. (2009年11月12日). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8356284.stm 2013年4月18日閲覧。 
  16. ^ Edkins, Keith. “Local Council Political Compositions”. 2014年6月6日閲覧。
  17. ^ ウィキリークス British National Party membership and contacts list, 2007-2008 November 18, 2008
  18. ^ ニック・グリフィン党首インタビュー
  19. ^ http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2002/sep/01/features.magazine37
  20. ^ http://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/europe/091023/erp0910231101002-n1.htm

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