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en:Metabolist Movement 18:26, 24 August 2007 より翻訳開始:日本語の文献からの加筆が必要
彼らの構想した将来の巨大都市は、スケールの大きく、有機的な成長を可能にする柔軟で拡張性の高い構造が特徴であった。彼らは従来の固定した形態や機能を支える「機械の原理」はもはや有効的でないと考え、空間や機能が変化する「生命の原理」が将来の社会や文化を支えると信じた<ref>http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/publish_db/1997VA/japanese/illusive/16.html ポンピドーセンター 黒川紀章建築都市設計事務所</ref>。古い細胞が新しい細胞に入れ替わるように、建物や都市が、古くなったり機能が合わなくなったりした部屋などのユニットをまるごと新しいユニットと取り替えることで、社会の成長や変化を促進することが構想された。
<!--In 1959 a group of Japanese architects and city planners joined forces under the name the Metabolists. Their vision of a city of the future inhabited by a mass society was characterized by large scale, flexible and extensible structures that enable an organic growth process. In their view the traditional laws of form and function were obsolete. They believed that the laws of space and functional transformation held the future for society and culture.
The group's work is often called technocratic and their designs are described as avant-garde with a rhetorical character. The work of the Metabolists is often comparable to the unbuilt designs of Archigram.[1]
メタボリズム・グループの起源は[[1950年代]]の終わりごろにある。[[モダニズム建築]]を主導してきた[[近代建築国際会議|CIAM]](Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne、シアム、近代建築国際会議)が[[1956年]]を最後に開かれなくなり[[1959年]]に終焉したころ、CIAMの若手メンバーらによる新しいグループ・[[Team X]](チーム・テン)が台頭し世界の若い建築家らに影響を与えた。日本の若手建築家達も彼らと交流し、その影響を受けた。
The origins of the Metabolist movement lie at the end of the 1950s. After the fall of CIAM, which ceased its operations in 1958, the ideas of Team X were of great influence to young architects around the globe, also influencing young Japanese architects (i.e. Kisho Kurokawa). The World Design Conference of 1960 was to be held in Japan and a group of young Japanese architects were involved with the planning of the conference. Takashi Asada, Kisho Kurokawa, Noboru Kawazoe and Kiyonori Kikutake met and discussed frequently and began to think about the next generation of Japanese architecture. During the conference the Metabolist group presented their first declaration: Metabolism 1960 – a Proposal for a new Urbanism. Contributors to this work were Kiyonori Kikutake, Fumihiko Maki, Masato Otaka, Kisho Kurokawa and Kiyoshi Awazu.[2] The idea of Metabolism implemented in modern culture was, besides architectural, also philosophical.
[[1960年]]に日本で世界デザイン会議(World Design Conference)が開かれる予定になっていたが、この会議のプランニングに関わった建築家達([[浅田孝]]、[[菊竹清訓]]、[[黒川紀章]]、[[大高正人]]、[[栄久庵憲司]]、[[粟津潔]]、[[槇文彦]])と建築評論家の[[川添登]]は建築の将来について話し合いグループを結成した。世界デザイン会議において、彼らは最初の宣言である『METABOLISM/1960 - 都市への提案』を発表し、「海上都市」「塔状都市」「新宿ターミナル再開発計画」など成長し新陳代謝する巨大都市のアイデアを披露した。彼らのアイデアは将来の社会を具体的に提案しようとしたもので、建築のみならず哲学など広く近代文明にも言及するものだった。
The individual members of the group soon went their own way and their designs in the Osaka Exposition of 1970 can be seen as their last work together.
Their designs relied heavily on technological advancements and they often consist of adaptable plug-in megastructures. Famous projects included the floating city in the sea (Unabara project), Kiyonari Kikutake's Marine City, tower city, ocean city, the wall city, the agricultural city and the 'Helix City' by Kisho Kurokawa.
== 脚注 ==
[edit] Affiliated Projects
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Japanese Metabolists
* Living in a capsule (Akira Shibuya 1966, Youji Watanabe 1967, Kisho Kurokawa 1970-72)
* Mega city planning for Tokyo (Kenzo Tange and Kisho Kikutake 1960)
Western Emulators
* Habitat 67 Montréal (Moshe Safdie 1967)
* Funnel city 'Intrapolis' (Walter Jonas 1960)
* Space city (Yona Friedman 1959-63)
* Overbuilding the city of Ragnitz (Günther Domenig 1963-69)
* Swimming Hotel Kairo (Justus Dahinden 1972)
* Akro-Polis leisure city (Justus Dahinden 1974)
* Leisure city Kiryat Ono near Tel Aviv (Justus Dahinden 1984)
The unity of pop and machine: Archigram
* Plug-in-City, Living Pod and Capsule Tower (Peter Cook 1964-66)
* Walking City and Instant City (Ron Herron 1964-70)
* Trickling Towers and Layer City (Peter Cook 1978-82)
[edit] References
1. ^ Kenneth Frampton, Modern Architecture: A Critical History, (Oxford University Press 1980) p.348.
2. ^ Kisho Kurokawa, Metabolism in Architecture, (London; Studio Vista , 1977) p.26-27.-->
== 外部リンク ==
* [http://www.dnp.co.jp/museum/nmp/artscape/artwords/k_t/metabolism.html Art Words -現代美術キーワード メタボリズム]
* [http://www.rs.noda.sut.ac.jp/~masato/ca_g/review_22/index.htm ヒルサイドテラス 槇文彦]