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らんたん (会話 | 投稿記録)
らんたん (会話 | 投稿記録)
Older myths describe him as a smith god, identified with the generative and sexual powers of fire. いくつかの神話では、スヴァローグは巨大な蛇の姿や多頭竜の姿をとるズメイとも戦っていた。ズメイは無差別に差人々を殺戮していた。 Svarog catches Zmey with blacksmith's tongs and uses him to pull a plough. Also in some myths, he has to use his own mouth to dig the ditch, thus separating the land of the living (Jav) from the land of the dead (Nav), bringing order (Prav). Zmey takes over the dead. In some myths, the ploughed ditch becomes the Smorodina River, and Zmey becomes the guardian of Kalinov Bridge.
In neo-paganist religions, Svarog is often the supreme god-creator and the central part of the (holy) trinity Triglav. He completed the creation of the world by giving it Prav.