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m ロボットによる 追加: gl:Asemblea Lexislativa (Francia)
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{{翻訳中途|[[:en:Legislative Assembly (France)]] 07:19, 2 March 2007|date=2007年3月}}
[[:en:Legislative Assembly (France)]]<!-- Rev.07:19,2March2007[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Legislative_Assembly_%28France%29&oldid=112025367] -->より翻訳
'''立法議会'''({{lang-fr-short|Assemblée nationale législative}})は[[フランス革命]]時代の、[[1791年]][[10月1日]]から[[1792年]]9月までのフランスの[[立法府]]である。立法議会は[[憲法制定国民議会]]と[[国民公会]]の間の時期の政治討論と革命法作成の場であった。
{{French Revolution}}
During the [[:en:French Revolution|French Revolution]], the '''Legislative Assembly''' was the legislature of France from [[:en:October 1|October 1]] [[:en:1791|1791]] to September [[:en:1792|1792]]. It provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law-making between the periods of the [[:en:National Constituent Assembly|National Constituent Assembly]] and of the [[:en:National Convention|National Convention]].
11 ⟶ 7行目:
== 時代背景 ==
<!-- ==Background== -->
22 ⟶ 17行目:
== 立法議会の選挙 ==
<!-- ==Election of the Legislative Assembly== -->
Despite a limited franchise, the elections of 1791 brought in a legislature which -- perhaps even disproportionately to the will of the country -- desired to carry the Revolution further. Prominent among this legislature were the [[:en:Jacobin Club|Jacobin Club]] and its affiliated societies throughout [[:en:France|France]].
The Legislative Assembly first met on [[:en:1 October|1 October]] 1791. It consisted of 745 members, mostly from the [[:en:middle class|middle class]]. The members were generally young, and, since none had sat in the previous Assembly, they largely lacked national political experience.
The [[:en:Right-wing politics|Right]] consisted of about 165 "[[:en:Feuillant|Feuillant]]s", guided chiefly by persons outside the House, because those had been made incapable of re-election. The [[:en:Left-wing politics|Left]], generally dominant during this period, consisted of about 330 "[[:en:Jacobin (politics)|Jacobins]]", a term which still included the party afterwards known as the [[:en:Girondin|Girondin]]s or Girondists. The Left as a whole was openly anti-''émigré'' and [[:en:anticlericalism|anticlerical]]. They also generally, although often not openly, favored a [[:en:republic|republic]]. In these views, they were reinforced by the less privileged classes in Paris and throughout France. The remainder of the House, about 250 deputies, generally belonged to no definite party. The king's ministers, named by him and excluded from the Assembly, are described by the [[:en:1911 Encyclopædia Britannica|1911 ''Encyclopædia Britannica'']] as "mostly persons of little mark."-->
== 歴史 ==
<!-- ==History== -->
''For a detailed description of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and related events, see [[:en:The Legislative Assembly and the fall of the French monarchy|The Legislative Assembly and the fall of the French monarchy]].''
46 ⟶ 41行目:
At this point, the government of France descended into chaos. The new, anti-monarchical government had no root in law and little hold on [[:en:public opinion|public opinion]]. It could not lean on the Assembly, a mere shrunken remnant, whose days were numbered. It remained dependent on the power which had set it up, the revolutionary Commune of Paris. The Commune could therefore extort what concessions it pleased. It got the custody of the king and his family, who were imprisoned in the [[:en:Temple (Paris)|Temple]]. Having obtained an indefinite power of arrest, it soon filled the prisons of Paris. With the invasion of France on [[:en:19 August|19 August]] [[:en:1792|1792]] under the leadership of the [[:en:Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick|Duke of Brunswick]], a prison bloodbath ensued, a prelude to the [[:en:Reign of Terror|Reign of Terror]].
The ensuing elections to the Convention were by almost universal suffrage, but indifference or intimidation reduced the voters to a small number. Many who had sat in the National Constituent Assembly and many more who had sat in the Legislative Assembly were returned. The Convention met on [[:en:20 September|20 September]] 1792 and became the new ''de facto'' government of France.-->
== 参考文献 ==
<!-- ==References== -->
[[:en:Category:French Revolutionフランス革命時の議会]]
[[:en:Category:Historical legislatures|France 1791]]
[[cs:Zákonodárné národní shromáždění]]