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江戸ラー (会話 | 投稿記録)
from en:Yvette Cooper 17:56, 30 November 2008
江戸ラー (会話 | 投稿記録)
クーパーは党内で[[ブラウン派]]と見られていたが、[[2007年]]に[[ゴードン・ブラウン]]が首相に就任すると、彼の内閣で住宅担当国務大臣に任命された。このポジションは、正確には閣僚ポスト外相はないあるものの、閣議への出席を求められる地位である。<!--Yvette Cooper was promoted to [[Housing Minister]] on 28 June 2007 when [[Gordon Brown]] became Prime Minister; Cooper had previously been identified as a supporter of Brown. Cooper did not have cabinet rank though, but attended cabinet meetings, having to introduce the [[HIPS]] scheme into the public eye following her promotion, to much controversy. She managed to dodge the blame for [[HIPS]], thanks to her connection with Brown, and Ruth Kelly was blamed instead.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/matthew_parris/article1862784.ece Why heroic Ruth should have been in Gordon’s book | Matthew Parris: My Week - Times Online]</ref>
The [[Labour Party (UK)|Labour]] government under Brown has identified affordable housing as one of its core objectives. In July 2007, Cooper told Parliament: "Unless we act now, by 2026 first time buyers will find average house prices are ten times their salary. That could lead to real social inequality and injustice. Every part of the country needs more affordable homes — in the North and the South, in urban and rural communities".<ref>[http://www.communities.gov.uk/news/corporate/8-million-investment "£8 Billion investment and reforms announced to tackle housing shortages",] Communities and Local Government official website, 23 July 2007. Retrieved on 17 June 2008.</ref>-->[[ピーター・ヘイン]]労働・年金大臣の辞任に伴う内閣改造で、[[2008年]][[1月24日]]に女性としては初の財務省主席担当官に任命された。既に入閣していた夫の[[エド・ボールズ]]児童・学校・家庭大臣と共に、初の夫婦での入閣となった。