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== 参考文献 ==
* {{cite book | 和書 | title=論理と意味 | author=長尾 真、淵 一博 | series=岩波講座 情報科学 | volume=7 | publisher=岩波書店 | year=1983 | ref=長尾(1983) }}
* {{cite book | 和書 | author=D.ヒルベルト、W.アッケルマン | editor=伊藤誠(訳) | title=記号論理学の基礎 | year=1954 | publisher=大阪教育図書社 | ref=HA(1954) }}
*J. Alan Robinson. "A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle." J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 12, pp.23-41, 1965.
*Davis Martin. ''The Early History of Automated Deduction''. in ''Handbook of Automated Reasoning'', ''Volume I'', Alan Robinson and Andrei Voronkov(ed), 2001. ISBN 9780444829498.