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Infoboxen:Mongols 05:45, 1 August 2015翻訳
{{Infobox ethnic group
'''モンゴル系民族'''(Mongol、[[モンゴル文字]]:{{mongol|ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ}} ''Mongɣul''、[[キリル文字]]:{{lang|mn|Монгол}})は、[[モンゴル高原]](現在の[[モンゴル国]]と[[中華人民共和国]]の[[内モンゴル自治区]]を合わせたものにほぼ一致する地域)にバイカル湖~興安嶺の一帯とバイカル湖~アルタイ山脈の一帯を合わせた地域([[中央ユーラシア]])に居住する[[モンゴル諸語]]を母語とする民族。
| group = モンゴル系民族<br />''Монголчууд''<br />{{MongolUnicode|ᠮᠣᠩᠭ᠋ᠣᠯᠴᠤᠳ}}<!-- According to GPB (Georgian Public Broadcasting) -->
|image = {{image array||width=70|height=90
| image1 = YuanEmperorAlbumGenghisPortrait.jpg| caption1 = [[チンギス・ハン]]
| image2 = YuanEmperorAlbumKhubilaiPortrait.jpg| caption2 = [[フビライ・ハン]]
| image3 = Subudei.jpg| caption3 = [[スブタイ]]
| image4 = YuanEmperorAlbumOgedeiPortrait.jpg| caption4 = [[オゴデイ]]
| image5 = YesheDorje.jpg| caption5 = [[ジェプツンタンパ1世]]
| image6 = Sukhbaatar.jpg| caption6 = [[ダムディン・スフバートル]]
| image8 = Hulagu Khan.jpg| caption8 = [[フレグ]]
| image9 = Tsedenbal BundesArchiv.jpg| caption9 = [[ユムジャーギィン・ツェデンバル]]
| image11 = Sumo May09 Asashoryu.jpg| caption11 = [[朝青龍明徳]]
| image12 = Hakuho_2012_January.JPG| caption12 = [[白鵬翔]]
| poptime = 1000万人 (2010)
|region1 = 主要民族として
| region2 = {{flag|Mongolia}}
| pop2 = 2,921,287<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nso.mn/ |title=Монголын үндэсний статистикийн хороо |publisher=National Statistical Office of Mongolia |accessdate=2013-11-14}}</ref>
|region3 = 少数派の民族として
|region4 = {{flag|China}} <br/> <small>([[内モンゴル自治区]])</small>
|pop4 = 5,981,840 (2010)
|ref4 = <ref>[[Demographics of China#Ethnic groups|Demographics of China]]</ref>
| region5 = {{flag|Russia}}
| pop5 = 647,417
| ref5 = <ref>2,656 Mongols proper, 461,389 [[Buryats]], 183,372 [[Kalmyk people|Kalmyks]] ([[Russian Census (2010)]])</ref>
| region6 = {{flag|South Korea}}
| pop6 = 34,000
| ref6 = <ref name="KoreanDream">{{citation|url=http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200804/200804240009.html|title='Korean Dream' fills Korean classrooms in Mongolia|periodical=The Chosun Ilbo|date=2008-04-24|accessdate=2009-02-06}} {{Dead link|date=September 2010|bot=H3llBot}}</ref>
| region7 = {{flag|United States}}
| pop7 = 15,000–18,000
| ref7 = <ref name="Washington">{{cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/02/AR2006070200875.html|title=Mongolians Meld Old, New In Making Arlington Home|work=The Washington Post|last=Bahrampour|first=Tara|date=2006-07-03|accessdate=2007-09-05}}</ref>
| region8 = {{flag|Kyrgyzstan}}
| pop8 = 12,000
| ref8 = <ref>[http://www.president.mn/eng/newsCenter/viewNews.php?newsId=697 President of Mongoli Received the Kalmyk Citizens of the Kyrgyz. 2012]</ref>
| region9 = {{flag|Czech Republic}}
| pop9 = 7,515
| ref9 = <ref name="MW7500">{{citation|periodical=Mongolia Web|title=Latest numbers show 7,500 Mongolians working in Czech Republic|date=2008-02-19|accessdate=2008-10-04|url=http://www.mongolia-web.com/content/view/1630/2/}}</ref>
| region10 = {{flag|Japan}}
| pop10 = 5,401
| ref10 = <ref name="toollogo2010.mn">[http://www.toollogo2010.mn/doc/Main%20results_20110615_to%20EZBH_for%20print.pdf Mongolia National Census 2010 Provision Results. National Statistical Office of Mongolia] '''(Mongolian)'''</ref>
| region11 = {{flag|Canada}}
| pop11 = 5,350
| ref11 = <ref name="NHS2011">[http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/prof/details/page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=PR&Code1=01&Data=Count&SearchText=canada&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&A1=All&B1=All&Custom=&TABID=1 NHS Profile, Canada, 2011]</ref>
| region12 = {{flag|Germany}}
| pop12 = 3,852
| ref12 = <ref name="toollogo2010.mn"/>
| region13 = {{flag|United Kingdom}}
| pop13 = 3,701
| ref13 = <ref name="toollogo2010.mn"/>
| region14 = {{flag|France}}
| pop14 = 2,859
| ref14 = <ref name="toollogo2010.mn"/>
| region15 = {{flag|Turkey}}
| pop15 = 2,645
| ref15 = <ref name="toollogo2010.mn"/>
| region16 = {{flag|Kazakhstan}}
| pop16 = 2,523
| ref16 = <ref name="toollogo2010.mn"/>
| region17 = {{flag|Austria}}
| pop17 = 1,955
| ref17 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.statistik.at/web_de/statistiken/bevoelkerung/bevoelkerungsstruktur/bevoelkerung_nach_staatsangehoerigkeit_geburtsland/|title=Bevölkerung nach Staatsangehörigkeit und Geburtsland|trans_title=Population by citizenship and country of birth|language=German|date=3 July 2014|accessdate=21 August 2014|publisher=Statistik Austria}}</ref>
| region18 = {{flag|Malaysia}}
| pop18 = 1,500
| ref18 = <ref name="toollogo2010.mn"/>
| rels = [[シャーマニズム]]を背景とした[[チベット仏教]]が大勢<ref name='mongolian'>{{cite book | last1 = National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China | authorlink1 = National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China | title = Tabulation of the 2010 Population Census of the People's Republic of China | publisher = China Statistics Press | date = April 2012 | url = http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/pcsj/rkpc/6rp/indexch.htm | accessdate = 2013-02-19 | isbn = 978-7-5037-6507-0}}</ref><ref>[http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/nationality/mongolian/ China Mongolian, Mongol Ethnic Minority, Mongols History, Food]</ref><ref>[http://www.china.org.cn/e-groups/shaoshu/shao-2-mongolian.htm China.org.cn – The Mongolian ethnic minority]</ref><ref>[http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/EthnicGroups/136937.htm China.org.cn – The Mongolian Ethnic Group]</ref> <br>少数は[[イスラム教]][[スンニ派]]、[[東方正教]]、[[プロテスタント]]
|langs = [[モンゴル諸語]]
'''モンゴル系民族'''(Mongol(Mongols、[[モンゴル文字]]:{{mongol|ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ}} ''Mongɣul''、[[キリル文字]]:{{lang|mn|Монгол}})は、[[モンゴル高原]](現在の[[モンゴル国]]と[[中華人民共和国]]の[[内モンゴル自治区]]を合わせたものにほぼ一致する地域)にバイカル湖~興安嶺の一帯とバイカル湖~アルタイ山脈の一帯を合わせた地域([[中央ユーラシア]])に居住する[[モンゴル諸語]]を母語とする民族。