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[[Mingachevir Polytechnic Institute]], founded in 1991, is the oldest Azerbaijani educational institution in the city. Although originally part of [[Azerbaijan State Oil Academy]], the institute became independent in 1991.<ref>{{cite web|title=MİNGƏÇEVİR POLİTEXNİK İNSTİTUTU|url=http://www.mpi.edu.az/|website=www.mpi.edu.az|accessdate=13 November 2014|language=Azerbaijani}}</ref> [[Mingachevir Medical School]], founded in 1991, includes 17 study halls for anatomy, therapy, surgers and pediatrics. The city also includes the local branch of the [[Azerbaijani Teachers Training Institute]].<ref>{{cite web|title=Müəllimlər İnstitutu Mingəçevir filialının direktoru işdən qovuldu|url=http://moderator.az/?xeber=30844|website=moderator.az|accessdate=13 November 2014|language=Azerbaijani}}</ref>
==Notable residents==