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<!-- Legio secunda Parthica ("Parthian-conquering Second Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army founded in AD 197 by the emperor Septimius Severus (r. 193-211), for his campaign against the Parthian Empire, hence the cognomen Parthica. The legion was still active in the beginning of the 5th century. The legion's symbol were a bull and centaur. -->{{History-stub}}
[[第1軍団パルティカ|第1軍団]]、[[第3軍団パルティカ|第3軍団]]の姉妹軍団とともに第2軍団パルティカは東部前線のために編成される。戦役は成功裏に終わり、パルティアの首都[[クテシフォン]]は陥落した。その後軍団はイタリアのローマ近郊に駐屯、[[アルバーノ・ラツィアーレ|カストラ・アルバナ(Castra Albana)]]を駐屯地とした<ref>この理由で軍団は「アルバニア軍団」とも呼ばれた。</ref> 。この軍団がこの2世紀の間で[[イタリア半島]]に駐在する最初の軍団となった。属州には赴任せず、ローマの本国に駐在するため、この軍団は帝政ローマの不安定化要因に対する備えとしても、または内部反乱分子に対する治安維持部隊としても機能していた。[[3世紀の危機]]にあるように、この時代の皇帝はしばしば[[簒奪者]]の登場に悩まされており、この軍団を首都近郊に駐在させた[[セプティミウス・セウェルス]]は簒奪者の出現の危険性を理解していた。
しかしながら、軍団はセウェルスのもとで[[208年]]から[[211年]]にかけて[[ブリテン島]]の戦役、[[カラカラ]]のもとでは[[213年]][[アラマン族]]への戦いに赴いている。次に再び[[パルティア]]へ赴くが、[[217年]]第2軍団の司令官[[マクリヌス]]がカラカラの暗殺に関与、軍団は[[シリア属州]]のアパメア(Apamea)に駐在するが、そこでマクリヌスを見捨て[[ヘリオガバルス]]の側につく。ヘリオガバルスは帝位を請求し、マクリヌスを[[アンティオキアの戦い]]で敗った。その功績によりヘリオガバルスから「ピア・フィデリス・ピア・アエテルナ(Pia Fidelis Felix Aeterna - 『永遠に誠実で忠実、敬虔な軍団』の意)」の[[コグノーメン]]が贈られた。
<!-- ==Parthian campaign and Castra Albana (197-4th century)==
Together with its twin legions [[Legio I Parthica|I ''Parthica'']] and [[Legio III Parthica|III ''Parthica'']], the Second Parthian legion was levied for the attack on the eastern frontier. The campaign was a success and [[Ctesiphon]], the Parthian capital was taken and sacked. After this war, II ''Parthica'' returned to [[Italia (Roman province)|Italia]], and was stationed near Rome, in ''Castra Albana''<ref>For this reason, the legion was also known as "Albanian legion".</ref> ([[Albano Laziale]]) &ndash; it was the first legion stationed in Italia in the last two centuries. Since it was not garrisoning a [[Roman province]], they functioned both as a reserve that could be used in afflicted parts of the [[Roman Empire|Empire]], as well as a security element against possible internal rebellions. Emperors in the 3rd century were very likely to have problems with usurpers, and Severus, by stationing the II ''Parthica'' near the capital, was aware of it.
Nevertheless, the legion served in the Severan campaign in Britain of 208&ndash;211 and afterwards, under [[Caracalla]] against the Germanic tribe of the [[Alamanni]] in 213. Next, the legion was again sent to Parthia and their commander [[Macrinus]] was responsible for Caracalla's murder in that region in 217. In the following year, however, the II ''Parthica'', stationed in [[Apamea (Syria)|Apamea]] ([[Syria (Roman province)|Syria]]), abandoned Macrinus and sided with [[Elagabalus]]; the Second supported Elagabalus' rise to purple, defeating Macrinus in the [[Battle of Antioch (218)|Battle of Antioch]]. The new emperor awarded the legion with the cognomina ''Pia Fidelis Felix Aeterna'' (forever faithful, loyal and pious).
===Under Severus Alexander and Maximinus===
In 231, the legion fought under [[Alexander Severus]] against the [[Sassanid Empire]], and returned with the emperor to the German provinces. It was at ''Moguntiacum'' (modern [[Mainz]]), when Alexander was assassinated in 235. In the following fight for the power, the II ''Parthica'' sided with [[Maximinus Thrax]]. In 238, the [[Roman senate]] declared Maximinus ''persona non grata'' and nominated [[Gordian III]] as emperor. Maximinus then marched on Rome to fight for his rights, taking the II ''Parthica'', among other legions, with him. What happened next is a good example of the political power of the legions in the 3rd century. The II ''Parthica'' weighted the chances of its commander and, concluding that supporting him was not a good move, they killed Maximinus before he could harass the senate. As a reward, they were pardoned for supporting a public enemy and allowed to return to their base and families in the Alban mountains. -->
[[category: ローマ軍団|02_はるていか]]