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具体的にはホモロジー群 {{math|''H<sub>n</sub>''(''G'', ''M'')}} は次のように計算できる。まず自明な {{math|'''Z'''[''G'']}} 加群 {{math|'''Z'''}} の[[射影分解]]
:<math> F : \cdotsdotsb \to F_n\otimes_{\Z[G]}M \to F_{n-1}\otimes_{\Z[G]}M \to \cdotsdotsb \to F_0 \otimes_{to \Z[G]}M \to \Z\otimes_{\Z[G]}M.0 </math>
からはじめる。共変関手 {{math|&ndash; &otimes;<sub>'''Z'''[''G'']</sub> ''M''}} を {{mvar|F}} の各項ごとに適用して[[鎖複体]]
:<math> F \otimes_{\Z[G]} M : \dotsb \to F_n \otimes_{\Z[G]} M \to F_{n-1} \otimes_{\Z[G]} M \to \dotsb \to F_0 \otimes_{\Z[G]} M \to \Z \otimes_{\Z[G]} M </math>
を得る。{{math|''H<sub>n</sub>''(''G'', ''M'')}} はこの鎖複体のホモロジー群 {{math|''H<sub>n</sub>''(''F'' &otimes;<sub>'''Z'''[''G'']</sub> ''M'')}} である。
Specifically, the homology groups ''H<sub>n</sub>''(''G'', ''M'') can be computed as follows. Start with a [[projective resolution]] ''F'' of the trivial <math>\Z[G]</math>-module <math>\Z,</math> as in the previous section. Apply the covariant functor <math>\cdot \otimes_{\Z[G]} M</math> to ''F'' termwise to get a [[chain complex]] <math>F \otimes_{\Z[G]} M</math>:
:<math> \cdots \to F_n\otimes_{\Z[G]}M\to F_{n-1}\otimes_{\Z[G]}M \to\cdots \to F_0\otimes_{\Z[G]}M\to \Z\otimes_{\Z[G]}M.</math>
Then ''H''<sub>''n''</sub>(''G'', ''M'') are the homology groups of this chain complex, <math>H_n(G,M)=H_n(F\otimes_{\Z[G]}M)</math> for ''n'' ≥ 0.
Group homology and cohomology can be treated uniformly for some groups, especially [[finite group]]s, in terms of complete resolutions and the [[Tate cohomology group]]s.
The group homology <math>H_*(G, k)</math> of abelian groups ''G'' with values in a [[principal ideal domain]] ''k'' is closely related to the [[exterior algebra]] <math>\bigwedge^* (G \otimes k)</math>.<ref>For example, the two are isomorphic if all primes ''p'' such that ''G'' has ''p''-torsion are invertible in ''k''. See {{harv|Knudson|2001}}, Theorem A.1.19 for the precise statement.</ref>
== 低次のコホモロジー群 ==
=== {{math|''H''<sup>1</sup>}} ===