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en:Pneumothorax oldid=847602414 一部を翻訳
{{Infobox Diseasemedical condition (new)
| Namename = 気胸
| Image synonyms = Pneumothorax_CXR.jpg|220px
| Widthimage = ファイル:Pneumothorax CXR.jpg
| caption = 左肺気胸のレントゲン(画像では右側)
| Alt =
| alt = Chest X-ray showing a pneumothorax on the right (left in the image), where the absence of lung markings indicates that there is free air inside the chest
| Caption =
| field = [[呼吸器学|呼吸器科]], [[胸部外科学|呼吸器外科]]
| ICD10 = {{ICD10|J|93||j|90}}, {{ICD10|P|25|1|p|20}}, {{ICD10|S|27|0|s|20}}
| ICD9 pronounce = {{ICD9|512}}, {{ICD9|860}}
| ICDOsymptoms = 胸痛、 = [[呼吸困難]]など
| OMIM onset = 173600突発的
| DiseasesDBduration = 10195
| MedlinePluscauses = 000087不明、外傷
| risks = [[慢性閉塞性肺疾患]]、[[結核]]、[[喫煙|タバコ]]
| eMedicineSubj =
| diagnosis = [[X線撮影|胸部X線画像診断]]、[[超音波検査]]、[[コンピュータ断層撮影|CT]]
| eMedicineTopic =
| MeshID differential = D011030[[肺気腫]]
| MeshName prevention = 禁煙
| treatment = 自然治癒、[[胸腔ドレナージ]] 、[[外科手術]]、[[胸膜癒着]]
| GeneReviewsID =
| GeneReviewsNamemedication =
| frequency = 10万人あたり20人
| Alt deaths =