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→‎生理学的制御: ストレス、曖昧さ回避
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[[ホルモン]]は免疫調節物質として働き、免疫系の感受性を変えることができる場合がある。例えば女性の[[性ホルモン]]は適応免疫応答に対しても<ref>{{cite book | last = Wira | first = CR | coauthors = Crane-Godreau M, Grant K |year=2004 | chapter = Endocrine regulation of the mucosal immune system in the female reproductive tract |title=Mucosal Immunology | editor = In: Ogra PL, Mestecky J, Lamm ME, Strober W, McGhee JR, Bienenstock J (eds.) | publisher = Elsevier | location = San Francisco | id = ISBN 0124915434}}</ref> 自然免疫応答に対しても<ref>{{cite journal| last = Lang | first = TJ |year=2004 |title=Estrogen as an immunomodulator |journal=Clin Immunol |volume=113 |pages=224&ndash;230 |pmid=15507385 |doi=10.1016/j.clim.2004.05.011}}<br/>{{cite journal | last = Moriyama | first = A | coauthors = Shimoya K, Ogata I ''et al.'' |year=1999 |title=Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) concentrations in cervical mucus of women with normal menstrual cycle |journal=Molecular Human Reproduction |volume=5 |pages=656&ndash;661 |pmid=10381821 |url=http://molehr.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/5/7/656 |doi=10.1093/molehr/5.7.656}}<br/>{{cite journal | last = Cutolo |first= M |coauthors= Sulli A, Capellino S, Villaggio B, Montagna P, Seriolo B, Straub RH|year=2004 |title=Sex hormones influence on the immune system: basic and clinical aspects in autoimmunity |journal=Lupus |volume=13 |pages=635&ndash;638 |pmid=15485092 |doi=10.1191/0961203304lu1094oa}}<br/>{{cite journal | last = King | first = AE | coauthors = Critchley HOD, Kelly RW |year=2000 |title=Presence of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor in human endometrium and first trimester decidua suggests an antibacterial role |journal=Molecular Human Reproduction |volume=6 |pages=191&ndash;196 |pmid=10655462 |url=http://molehr.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/6/2/191 |doi=10.1093/molehr/6.2.191}}</ref> 免疫賦活活性をもっていることが知られている。[[全身性エリテマトーデス]]のような[[自己免疫病]]は女性を選択的に襲うが、発症の時期はしばしば[[思春期]]であるという時期の一致がある。対照的に[[テストステロン]]のような[[男性ホルモン]]には免疫抑制力があるようだ<ref>{{cite journal | last = Fimmel | fist = S | coauthors = Zouboulis CC |year=2005 |title=Influence of physiological androgen levels on wound healing and immune status in men |journal=Aging Male |volume=8 |pages=166&ndash;174 |pmid=16390741 |doi=10.1080/13685530500233847}}</ref>。他のホルモンにも免疫系を制御していると思われるものがあり、中でも有名なのが[[プロラクチン]]、[[成長ホルモン]]、[[ビタミンD]]である<ref>{{cite journal | last = Dorshkind | first = K | coauthors = Horseman ND |year=2000 |title=The Roles of Prolactin, Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, and Thyroid Hormones in Lymphocyte Development and Function: Insights from Genetic Models of Hormones and Hormone Receptor Deficiency | url=http://edrv.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/21/3/292?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&author1=Dorshkind%2C+K%3B+Horseman+ND+&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&resourcetype=HWCIT|journal=Endocrine Reviews |volume=21 |pages=292&ndash;312|pmid=10857555 |doi=10.1210/er.21.3.292}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last =Nagpal | first = Sunil |coauthors = Songqing Naand and Radhakrishnan Rathnachalam |year=2005|title=Noncalcemic Actions of Vitamin D Receptor Ligands | url= http://edrv.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/26/5/662 |journal=Endocrine Reviews |volume=26| issue= 5|pages=662&ndash;687|pmid=15798098|doi=10.1210/er.2004-0002}}.</ref>。ホルモンレベルが年とともに減少を続けると、特に年老いた人々にとって免疫応答が減弱する原因となる<ref>{{cite journal | last = Hertoghe | first = T |year=2005 |title=The “multiple hormone deficiency” theory of aging: Is human senescence caused mainly by multiple hormone deficiencies? |journal=Annals of the New York Academy of Science |volume=1051 |pages=448&ndash;465|pmid=16399912 |doi=10.1196/annals.1322.035}}</ref>。反対にホルモンの中には免疫系の制御を受けるものがあり、目立つものとして、[[甲状腺ホルモン]]があり、免疫系の制御を受ける<ref>{{cite journal | last = Klein | first = JR |year=2006 |title=The immune system as a regulator of thyroid hormone activity |journal=Exp Biol Med |volume=231 |pages=229&ndash;236|pmid=16514168}}</ref>。
免疫系は[[睡眠]]や[[休息]]によって増強され<ref>{{cite journal | last = Lange | first = T | coauthors = Perras B, Fehm HL, Born J |year=2003 |title=Sleep Enhances the Human Antibody response to Hepatitis A Vaccination | url= http://www.psychosomaticmedicine.org/cgi/content/full/65/5/831 |journal = Psychosomatic Medicine |volume=65 |pages=831&ndash;835|pmid=14508028 |doi=10.1097/01.PSY.0000091382.61178.F1}}</ref> [[ストレス (生体)|ストレス]]によって損なわれる<ref>{{cite journal | last = Khansari | first = DN | coauthors = Murgo AJ, Faith RE |year=1990 |title=Effects of stress on the immune system |journal=Immunology Today |volume=11 |pages=170&ndash;175 |pmid=2186751 |doi=10.1016/0167-5699(90)90069-L}}</ref>。
[[ダイエット]]は免疫系に影響することがある。例えば新鮮な[[果物]]、[[野菜]]、ある種の[[脂肪酸]]の豊富な[[食物]]は[[健康]]な免疫系を維持促進する<ref>{{cite journal | last = Pond | first = CM |year=2005 |title=Adipose tissue and the immune system |journal=Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids |volume=73 |pages=17--30|pmid= 15946832 |doi=10.1016/j.plefa.2005.04.005}}</ref>。同じように[[胎児]]の低栄養状態は免疫系に生涯続く損傷を与えうる<ref>{{cite journal | last = Langley-Evans | first = SC | coauthors = Carrington LJ |year=2006 |title=Diet and the developing immune system |journal=Lupus |volume=15 |pages=746&ndash;752 |pmid=17153845 |doi=10.1177/0961203306070001}}</ref>。伝統的な[[医学]]では[[ハーブ]]の中に免疫系を刺激するものがあると信じられている。このようなハーブには、例えば[[エキナセア]]、[[甘草]]、[[距骨]](玉縁)、[[サルビア]]、[[ニンニク]]、アメリカ・[[ニワトコ]]の実、[[シイタケ]]、[[リンザイキノコ]]、[[ヒソップ]]、があり、さらに[[ハチミツ]]がある。研究によると、作用の仕方は複雑で特徴付けは困難にしても、そのようなハーブは実際免疫系を刺激することが示唆されている<ref>{{cite journal | last = Spelman | first = K | coauthors = Burns J, Nichols D, Winters N, Ottersberg S, Tenborg M |year=2006 |title=Modulation of cytokine expression by traditional medicines: a review of herbal immunomodulators |journal=Alternative Medicine reviews |pages=128&ndash;150 |pmid=16813462 |volume=11}}<br/>{{cite journal | last = Brush | first = J | coauthors = Mendenhall E, Guggenheim A, Chan T, Connelly E, Soumyanth A, Buresh R, Barrett R, Zwickey H |year=2006 |title=The effect of Echinacea purpurea, Astragalus membranaceus and Glycyrrhiza glabra on CD69 expression and immune cell activation in humans |journal=Phytotherapy Research |volume=20 |pages=687&ndash;695 |pmid=16807880 |doi=10.1002/ptr.1938}}</ref>。