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Bobomayuge cont.
Ipiranga (会話 | 投稿記録)
ans bomayu
David, Yor woud know Japanease tradithional things much more than I (笑).
棒眉 means a straight line like a stick of 引眉. Japanese often compare 棒 with something straight or a monotonous intonation(not movement)(example:棒読み、棒暗記). in Nara piriods(8th cencury-) aristcrats paint 棒眉. In primary stage they paint thin straight eyebrows. Gradually, They began to emphasize it, more thick one. the thick style was a variation of a thin style. Both straight styles are called 棒眉.
I don't know why called ぼうぼう眉. but In 能(nô) and 歌舞伎(kabuki), thick style of eyebrows which used [[能面]] is called ぼうぼう眉. I don't know that ぼうぼう equal 棒棒 or 房房.
(1)Gikeiki - [[義経記]](gikei ki) means tales of 源 義経(minamoto no yoshitsune).
By the way, do you know this?[http://www.aisf.or.jp/~jaanus/deta/b/benkei.htm]
(2)Tabakoire - 煙草入 or 煙草入れ means a clushed leaves of tabacco pouch. kiseruire(キセル入(れ) or 煙管入(れ)) means a pipe of tabacco pouch.
(3)Kanagu - 金具. Japanese use this word for not only a metal fixture of a ring and a plate on a taiko drum ,but also metal fixture of machines, architectures and so on.
(4)Nambuyoo - ?南部用?. Probably [[南部地方 (青森県)|南部]](nanbu) means a neme of region in [[青森県]] and [[岩手県]]. not means south of Japan. [[南部地方 (青森県)|南部]] has an unique style of carnival, 祭(maturi).Its style is called 南部神楽(nannbu kagura). they use 太鼓.
(5)Shoryobune - 精霊船. the ship used in 精霊流し(syouryou nagashi) which is Japanese traditional event.
(6)Nyoi - ?如意? means mysterious power by which monk use.
(7) Myobu - 命婦. Womens in a palace of the emperor. An atendant Vixen(狐 kitsune) of God in Japan was called 命婦. She has mysterious power.
(8) Hoten - ?
(9) Nunome arashi - 布目 I dont know arashi.粗し?荒らし?
(10) Rinkan - ?輪冠?
(11) Kuruimono - 狂物 or 狂い物. [[能]]
(12) Horaeboshi - I dont know Hora.[[烏帽子]](eboshi).shizuka eboshi(静烏帽子) is one of a cap of Noh(能) . 静 means [[静御前]]. she was 源義経's wife. [[Category:能]] helps you. I dont know Noh, Kabuki.
histrical type of 烏帽子 are 立烏帽子(tate oboshi) , 風折烏帽子(kazaori eboshi) , 侍烏帽子(samurai eboshi) , 引立烏帽子(hikitate eboshi) , 揉烏帽子(momi eboshi) , 萎烏帽子(nae eboshi).--[[利用者:Ipiranga|Ipiranga]] 2006年8月20日 (日) 15:44 (UTC)