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An O xl (会話 | 投稿記録)
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{{Infobox Anatomy |
| Name = 胃 |
| GraySubject = 247 |
| GrayPage = 1163 |
| Image = Stomach002.svg|
| Caption = 胃の解剖<br />1:[[食道]] 2:[[ヒス角]] 3:[[噴門]] 4:[[胃角]] 5:'''幽門''' 6:[[十二指腸]] A:[[胃底部]] B:[[胃体部]] C:[[前庭部]] X:[[小彎]] Y:[[大彎]] |
| Image2 = Illu stomach.jpg |
| Caption2 = 1.[[胃体部]]([[:en:Body of stomach]]) 2.[[胃底部]]([[:en:Fundus]]) 3.[[前庭部]]([[:en:Anterior wall]]) 4.[[大彎]]([[:en:Greater curvature]]) 5.[[小彎]]([[:en:Lesser curvature]]) 6.[[噴門]]([[:en:Cardia]]) 9.'''幽門'''[[括約筋]]([[:en:Pyloric sphincter]]) 10.[[幽門洞]]([[:en:Pyloric antrum]]) 11.[[幽門管]]([[:en:Pyloric canal]]) 12.[[胃角]]([[:en:Angular incisure]]) 13.[[胃体]]管([[:en:Gastric canal]]) 14.[[胃粘膜]][[襞]]([[:en:Rugal folds]])<br /BR>[[:en:Work of the United States Government]] |
| System = |
| MeshName = Stomach |
| MeshNumber = A03.556.875.875 |
| DorlandsPre = f_17 |
| DorlandsSuf = 12380862 |