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* エドワード・ゴードン・クレイグ著『俳優と超人形』武田清訳 2012年、有限会社而立書房
* 山口庸子「エドワード・ゴードン・クレイグの仮面論と能の受容」表象文化論学会『表象』13 2019,150-163頁
* Yoko Yamaguchi, Edward Gordon Craig and the International Reception of Bunraku: Transmission of the Puppet Images in ''Gakuya zue shūi'', and the Networks of Modernism between Japan, Europe, and the United States. In: “Forum Modernes Theater” (Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen), 28/2 (2013[2018])(ISSN 0930-5874), pp. 176-192.
* Yoko Yamaguchi, Shikō Tsubouchi’s Unpublished Letters to Edward Gordon Craig with an Introduction about Their Intercultural Context. In: “Forum Modernes Theater” (Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen), 28/2 (2013[2018])(ISSN 0930-5874), pp. 193-203.