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{{参照方法|section=1|date=2014年4月21日 (月) 15:02 (UTC)}}
* Hoefer, Jean C.F. (1843). Histoire de la chimie depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a notre époque. Paris: Hachette. p. 222. OCLC 14166162. httphttps://books.google.comco.jp/books?id=ApYAAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA222&redir_esc=y&hl=ja#PPA222,M1.
* Koehler, Peter J.; George W. Bruyn, John M. S. Pearce (2000). Neurological Eponyms. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 51. ISBN 0195133668. OCLC 42969585. httphttps://books.google.comco.jp/books?id=94llxrp8FCIC&pg=PA51.&redir_esc=y&hl=ja
* Collice M, Collice R, Riva A. (2008). Who discovered the sylvian fissure? Neurosurgery. 63(4):623-8 doi:10.1227/01.NEU.0000327693.86093.3F PMID 18981875
* Origins of Gin, Bluecoat American Dry Gin, https://web.archive.org/web/20090213205501/http://bluecoatgin.com/history_orgins.html, retrieved 2009-04-05