
最新のコメント:18 年前 | 投稿者:Clinamen

文化の項、翻訳しました。コンゲンス・ニューについてはカナ標記がゆれているようなので、気になる方はなおしてください。事実はただしく訳せていると思いますが、表現のニュアンスなどには修正の余地があると思います。原文をここに保存しておきます。Clinamen 2006年3月9日 (木) 13:22 (UTC)返信

Danish newspapers rank Copenhagen as one of the world's best cities in which to live, despite the high cost of living.

Strøget, a pedestrian shopping street in central Copenhagen was inaugurated in 1961. Copenhagen's extensive pedestrian network has been developed over the last 40 years through the work of architect and professor Jan Gehl.

The Copenhagen Jazz Festival is a popular annual event that is the result of a significant jazz scene having existed for many years. It developed significantly when a number of American jazz musicians such as Ben Webster, Thad Jones, Richard Boone, Ernie Wilkins, Kenny Drew, Ed Thigpen, Bob Rockwell and others such as rock guitarist Link Wray came to Copenhagen beginning in the 1960s.

Sexual equality is a high priority in Denmark. Women should encounter little or no discrimination in Copenhagen, and sexual harassment is rare compared to other Western capital cities.

Copenhagen is a popular destination for gay and lesbian travellers. It has an active gay community and lots of nightlife options. The main gay and lesbian festival of the year is the Copenhagen Pride (formerly the Mermaid Pride Parade), a big Mardi Gras-like bash that occurs on a Saturday in early August. There's also the Copenhagen Film Festival, held each year in October. Danes have a high degree of tolerance for "alternative" lifestyles of all sorts, and gays are as free as anyone to express themselves. The biggest gay club in Denmark is Pan Club Copenhagen .See Homosexuality in Denmark for more information.

Copenhagen is a 24-hour party city. For free entertainment simply stroll along Strøget, especially between Nytorv and Højbro Plads, which in the late afternoon and evening is a bit like an impromptu three-ring circus with musicians, magicians, jugglers and other street performers.
