ノート:シボニー (ID-2999)

最新のコメント:8 年前 | トピック:Deletion request | 投稿者:Dcmacnut

Translated 2015年12月29日 from en:Wikipedia:USS Siboney (ID-2999) (12:43, 2015年10月28日) using beta content translation.dcmacnut会話2015年12月29日 (火) 17:59 (UTC)返信

Deletion request


I do not believe this article should be subject to immediate deletion. The article was proposed for translation into Japanese on the English Wikipedia, and I took it upon myself to translate the opening paragraph into this stub article. This is my own translation, though i was guided by a machine translation for the more technical terms in the English article. It is possible I did not go far enough in my edits, making the article unintelligible. I lived in Japan for three years and have 5 years of formal training at the U.S. college level in Japanese, but I fully admit that I am not a native speaker. Please consider revising the article if the syntax or grammar are wrong rather than deleting it. I will move the text to my sandbox should you believe it still needs to be deleted.dcmacnut会話2015年12月29日 (火) 17:47 (UTC)返信

  I revised it. However, I can not speak English very well. And I do not have ship's knowledge. This is the best I can do for now.--JapaneseA会話2015年12月30日 (水) 10:50 (UTC)返信
  助けてをありがとうございました。この訳し物が本当にいいです。dcmacnut会話2015年12月30日 (水) 16:01 (UTC)返信
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