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<1972年 - 900mの実験線で401km/hの試験運転に成功>とありますがほんとにこんな短距離で400km/hも出せるのでしょうか?--ロリ 2005年1月27日 (木) 14:51 (UTC)返信

ネタ元は公式サイトです。a 900 m long, round, test trackとあるので楕円の試験線だったと思われます。Yosemite 2005年1月27日 (木) 14:53 (UTC)返信




本事故について、Taipei TimesAFPBBMSN産経等の記載を見る限り、23名が死亡については共通しているものの、負傷者の数はTaipei Timesが10名、MSN産経が11名となっており、巻き込まれた人数は最低でも33名以上になる。

また、作業員2名との記載は英語版を含め共通であるが、見学者ら29名については、Taipei Timesの記事やWikiニュース当該記事より

  1. 当初は作業員2名と見学者少なくとも29名の合わせて31名中、死者21名、負傷者10名
  2. 周辺を捜索した結果、死者は23名に増え、負傷者は変わらず10名



従って、本文記載について「作業員2人と、トランスラピッドに乗車していた見学者らが巻き込まれ、うち23人が死亡、11人が重傷」への変更を提案する。--Bramble 2009年1月7日 (水) 23:58 (UTC)返信

1ヶ月以上反論が投稿されなかったため、上記内容を反映しました。--Bramble 2009年2月19日 (木) 11:24 (UTC)返信

( Maybe Japan should stopp own vactrain project just because extreme overexpensive just harming Japan and maybe also changing to Kayrapid but same system is not needed for compatibility and connections because japan is an island. Maybe Japan can add Kayrapid extensions development !) New Kayrapid by Kay Uwe Böhm is compatible with transrapid improved with better aerodynamic over using a spoiler like new [ICE train]] etc. but automatic levelized about 1cm over concrete surface with easy exchange cheap plastic, flexible flaps closing the gaps between the units and sandpaper like surfaces like in modern airplane wing construction decreasing macro swifels with micro swifels. Additionally titanium (and/or aluminium, glass-, carbon -fibre etc.) weight reduced units with automatic aerodynamic flap closing for standard (sea) ISO container 30.4t/unit (1 heavy or up to 4 * 7.5t full speed slowly more). The carrying weight can be increased compatible again with additionally permanent magnets inside concrete railway surface and automatic levelized magnetic skids for driving (partly) also super heavy load. Later the whole system can be extended with adapted pressure increased units using airplane technology and vacuum tunnel around out of concrete, glass or plexiglass etc. and quick drive through bayonet gates for driving >1000km/h but with much reduced consumption/100km, reduced noise and all year weather etc. protection. The train can be driven also economic slowly with different speed time frames at day and in night for only freight with increased vacuum and to special long container train stations at a ring around huge cities. Addable again for driving greater than speed of noise are flexible from inside to outside forward directed rib rings maybe out of plexiglass reducing the sonic boom going outside and reflected from tunnel reduced already by partly vacuum, tunnel and near no noise engine. Vacuumization can be done over water steam air replacement and condensing and/or vacuum pumps for creating about 1/8 vacuum with passengers (depending also on outside temperature else water is boiling) or more vacuum with just freight. Addable are also fast 1 to 3 or 1 to 5 switch points using against each other movable lubrified steel segments with adaptable maximal side movement block srew and on sides round cutted away steel for not overstanding and with a flexible thin steel layer around. Train interior equipment and (catering) service about same like for airplanes with first, business and economy class including the (sleep) seating, entertainment and information system electronic telling about what to see outside, maps, speed, times, distances, driver view etc. Instead a crash box at train front keeping stones etc. under a pointed hard plough share with a shock absorber behind breaking also through not opend bayonet gates and an automatic brake system watching if the railway is free and intact at day, night and fog situation also far before curves with also directly at railway preinstalled computer controlled watching system. Multiple automatic ventilization system, doors, oxygene masks and bottles and pick axes for quick pressure increase inside vacuum tunnel in emergency cases. The titanium weight reduction can be used also for a double storey units version rebuildable to a single storey version if a vacuum tunnel is added. The railway can be pillared also upon old railways and roads special for driving inside cities. Nonsense is building the Kayrapid only for coming to airports as a competitor for airplanes also without vacuum tunnel with less travel time for about 1000km distance because two times the long ways to and in airport and the check in time >=30min can be saved. Electric wiring can be done with thick aluminium instead with expensive rare copper inside railway or upon with iron wires for high efficiency combined with about 85% linear motor system efficiency and brake energy recovery system. Recommended first railways between huge cities like Brisbane-Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne-Adelaide or Hyderabad-Bangalore-Delhi-Mumbai or Hongkong-Shanghai-Nanjing-Tianjin-Bejing(Peking)-(with short way also for containers through russia and to) Moscow-Berlin-Paris or Krung Thep(Bangkok)-Kuala Lumpur-Singapore or in combination with airplane stopp done normally EU to Istanbul-Bagdad-Kuwait-Quatar-Bahrain-Dubai-Abu Dhabi-Muscat to Asia or Riad-Mekka etc. of course also serving between stations. Addable are also railway building machines like existing for normal railways for cost and time reduction. financing can be done also international over stock market etc. also from system competitors but international railways revenues are high and rising like for russian railways >1 trillion rubles/a or for india railways >US$19 billion/a. Development and building up can be done also over licensing in own country for staying independant also in long time future. Also another maglev base technology than already finished and high developed transrapid technology could be choosed but should be standardized. Transrapid is not a consortium or stock market company only a GmbH financed also over tax money, fees and dispossesions in germany. Better but only in combination with a vacuum tunnel is a round train version flexible angled into curves and without any switch point time levelized from top and/or bottom of the tunnel and holded on sides by magnets and at switch gates only against one side moving away magnets. Trains can be driven also in far future directly with atomic power electricity and today with more durable always cheapest available energy sources like from own coal, gas and water for about a quarter price per kWh than with oil at given engine efficiencies and are more used if fast, comfortable, quiet and cheap.See also under vactrain. [1][2][3][4][5]






ありがとうございました。—InternetArchiveBot (バグを報告する) 2017年9月15日 (金) 12:32 (UTC)返信

  1. ^ http://pedestrianobservations.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/un-and-rail-operators-propose-international-vacuum-train-network/
  2. ^ https://de.images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A7x9QVzvZj1TKD0AZKMzCQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTB2dnZzNTcwBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyZAR2dGlkA01TWURfMDRfNzc-?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-911&va=vacuum+train
  3. ^ http://goarticles.com/article/China-is-Developing-a-Vacuum-High-speed-Rail/3199884/
  4. ^ http://www.maglev.net/news/vacuum-maglev-test-train-breaks-speed-record/
  5. ^ http://gas2.org/2010/08/06/china-building-1000-kph-super-train/