
最新のコメント:13 年前 | トピック:出典の明記 | 投稿者:Neraneranera

High culture is traditionally the milieu of arts and sciences fostered under the European Renaissance. Its ideal is the Renaissance man, whose knowledge leads him to a broad and deep understanding of life.

In modern, common language it is a term referring to the cultural milieu and culture consumption of a western society's upper class. Here it is a term referring to the "best of breed" (from some elitist viewpoint) cultural products. What falls in this category is defined by the most powerful sections of society, i.e. its social, political, economic and intellectual elite.

The following fields of experience and study are considered parts of high culture:

Much of the public education system in Europe and its former colonies is based on high culture. The idea behind this was that exposing all members of society to its most noble examples would lead to a communal sense of pride and purpose. Modern capitalism tends to favor practical mathematics and scientific technology over high culture in education.

Critics of high culture see its focus on the European tradition as narrow and possibly even racist. In addition, the education and talent required for much of high culture is seen as elitist, with time wasted that could be spent on more practical improvements to material society. Many critics of high culture hold up popular culture as a more easily understood and enjoyable lifestyle.

In most nations with a dominant Euroethnic population, high culture is held in high regard, even by those who do not understand it. And in many non-Euroethnic nations, notably Japan, high culture has a devoted following. Proponents of high culture see it is a force for compassion, dignity, and discipline in the face of modern selfishness and transience.

See Also


sv:Finkultur de: Hochkultur (Soziologie) Category:Subcultures



最低でも、定義を示す出典が必要です。--Neraneranera 2010年8月29日 (日) 23:34 (UTC)返信
