
最新のコメント:9 年前 | トピック:What is the difference between ルテニア人 and ルーシ人? | 投稿者:Ludwigzhou

What is the difference between ルテニア人 and ルーシ人? 編集

Dear friends. Sorry for posting in English as I do not speak Japanese. Can someone please explain what is the difference between ルテニア人 and ルーシ人? (As I see, the later seems to be a historical ethnonym for the East Slavic speaker in Polish-Lithuania Commonwealth and Austria-Hungary, which seems to be the equivalent of the term "Ruthenians" in English. If my guess is right, what is ルテニア人, which resembles a transliteration of "Ruthenians"?)--Ludwigzhou会話2014年7月15日 (火) 08:52 (UTC)返信
