






現在、こういった伝統的な人権理論に沿った著名哲学者、倫理学者らの批判に対して、国連や日本国政府は恣意的な評価を強弁し、同意の上の行為を搾取や虐待と呼ぶ不自然な言葉の用法を用いて印象操作を行う事に終始しており、いかなる反論も行われていない。--以上の署名のないコメントは、会話/Whois)さんが 2015年5月10日 (日) 19:48‎ (UTC) に投稿したものです(Isamit会話)による付記)。

この節は次の利用者の依頼で過去ログ化されました: Isamit会話2015年5月19日 (火) 00:36 (UTC)
  1. ^ Rothbard, Murray Newton. The Ethics of Liberty: Regardless of his age, we must grant to every child the absolute right to runaway and to find new foster parents who will voluntarily adopt him, or to try to exist on his own. Parents may try to persuade the runaway child to return, but it is totally impermissible enslavement and an aggression upon his right of self-ownership for them to use force to compel him to return.
  2. ^ Ruwart,Mary J. Short Answers to the Tough Questions, SunStar Press, 1998, p. 43:Children who willingly participate in sexual acts have the right to make that decision as well, even if it’s distasteful to us personally. Some children will make poor choices, just as some adults do in smoking and drinking to excess; this is part of life.When we outlaw child pornography, the prices paid for child performers rise, increasing the incentives for parents to use children against their will.
  3. ^ Hoppe,Hans-Hermann.The Economics and Ethics of Private Property.:It is also obvious that such a property right to one’s own body must be said to be justified a priori, for anyone who tried to justify any norm whatsoever would already have to presuppose the exclusive right of control over his body as a valid norm simply in order to say, “I propose such and such.” Anyone disputing such a right would become caught up in a practical contradiction since arguing so would already imply acceptance of the very norm which he was disputing.
  4. ^ e.g.:Mises, Ludwig von. Human Action:The difference between the value of the price paid (the costs incurred) and that of the goal attained is called gain or profit or net yield. Profit in this primary sense is purely subjective, it is an increase in the acting man's happiness, it is a psychical phenomenon that can be neither measured nor weighed. There is a more and a less in the removal of uneasiness felt; but how much one satisfaction surpasses another one can only be felt; it cannot be established and determined in an objective way. A judgment of value does not measure, it arranges in a scale of degrees, it grades. It is expressive of an order of preference and sequence, but not expressive of measure and weight. Only the ordinal numbers can be applied to it, but not the cardinal numbers.
  5. ^ e.g.,1987 National Platform of the Libertarian Party:Children are human beings and,as such,have all the rights of human beings.We oppose all Laws that empower government official to seize children and make them "wards of the state" or,by means of child labor laws and compulsory education,to infringe on their freedom to work or learn as they choose.We oppose all legally created or sanctioned discrimination against (or in favor of) children,just as we oppose government discrimination directed at any other artificially defined sub-category of human beings.Specifically we oppose ordinances that outlaw adults-only apartment housing.We also support the repeal of all laws establishing any category of crimes applicable to children for which adulst would not be similary vulnerable,such as curfew,smoking,and alcoholic beverage laws,and other status offenses.Similary,we favor the repeal of "stubborn child" laws and laws establishing the category of "persons in need of supervision."
  6. ^ e.g.,1987 National Platform of the Libertarian Party:We call for an end to the practice in many states of jailing children not accused of any crime.We seek the repeal of all "children's codes" or statutes which abridge due process protections for young people.We further favor the abolition of the juvenile court system,so that juveniles will be held fully responsible for their crimes.
  7. ^ Bremner,Robert H.Children and Youth in America.:[The Illinois Bill of Rights, following upon the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, declares that] “all men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights—among these life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This language is not restrictive; it is broad arid comprehensive, and declares a grand truth, that “all men,” all people, everywhere, have the inherent and inalienable right to liberty Shall we say to the children of the State, you shall not enjoy this right—a right independent of all human laws and regulations. . . . .Even criminals cannot be convicted and imprisoned without due process of law.