
最新のコメント:6 年前 | トピック:注意 | 投稿者:生物人類学

English or European parts of speech?


Shouldn't it be more general like "European parts of speech" instead of "English parts of speech" (英語の品詞)?
Many European languages have those parts of speech like substantive, adjective, pronoun (personal, possessive, ... pronoun), article (definite, indefinite article), verb (auxiliary, modal, ... verb), adverb, interjection, conjunction, preposition or adposition. Latin lacks the article, but knows the concept and has a term for it (articulus). I don't know about Persian and Indian languages, but they should have similar concepts too (as they are Indo-Germanic or Indo-European languages too). Of course, one could have a section for every language, but that should be too much and that shouldn't be needed, as it's very similar, like:
英語の品詞 - フランス語の品詞 - ラテン語

  • noun (strict sense, younger), substantive = nom (strict sense, younger), substantif = [nomen] substantivum
  • adjective (older also adnoun) = adjectif = [nomen] adjectivum
  • pronoun = pronom = pronomen
  • verb = verb = verbum
  • etc.

- 2015年10月31日 (土) 10:46 (UTC)返信




上記の文章は、日本語文法として成立していません。--生物人類学会話2017年8月24日 (木) 13:24 (UTC)返信
