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江戸ラー (会話 | 投稿記録)
Blueroses5327 (会話 | 投稿記録)
Louis-le-Grand, founded in [[1563]], is located in the heart of the [[カルチェ・ラタン]], the traditional student's area of Paris. Rich in history, architecture, culture, this area is home to the oldest and the most prestigious educational establishments in France, the [[パリ大学|ソルボンヌ]] and the [[コレージュ・ド・フランス]].
Louis-le-Grand plays a leading role in the education of French elites. Countless former pupils have become statesmen, diplomats, prelates, marshals of France, members of the [[アカデミー・フランセーズ]], and men and women of letters. "The Jesuit College of Paris", wrote Elie de Beaumont in [[1862]], "has for a long time been a state nursery, the most fertile in great men". Indeed [[モリエール]], [[ヴォルテール]], [[ヴィクトル・ユーゴー|ヴィクトル・ユゴー]] are former students who became famous writers and, [[ジョルジュ・ポンピドゥ]], [[ヴァレリー・ジスカール・デスタン]], [[ジャック・シラク]], all presidents of the [[フランス第五共和政]], all once spent time on the benches of Louis-le-Grand. Renowned foreign students of the Lycée include King [[ニコラ1世 (モンテネグロ王)]] and [[Léopold Sédar Senghor]], the first president of [[セネガル]].
* [[レーモン・ポアンカレ]]
* [[ジョルジュ・ポンピドゥ]]
* [[マクシミリアン・ロベスピエール]]
* [[ミシェル・ロカール]]