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Orcano (会話 | 投稿記録)
en:Government of Canada 19:39, 11 September 2008 UTC
Orcano (会話 | 投稿記録)
en:Government of Canada 19:39, 11 September 2008 UTC
カナダは[[連邦]]なので、政府と呼ぶと[[連邦]]、[[州]]{{enlink|provincial}}、[[自治体]]{{enlink|Municipality}}のどれを指すとも限らない。「原住民は、ヨーロッパ人が来る前に法治機構を持っていた」ので<ref>''Campbell v. British Columbia'', (2000), 189 D.L.R. (4th) 333, (B.C.S.C.), per Williamson, J. at p. 355.</ref>、原住民の政府を指すこともありえる。この記事では、''政府''は、カナダ連邦国家の構造を示すものとする。
==Executive power==
21 ⟶ 22行目:
Though the sovereign or viceroy rarely intervene directly in political affairs, the real powers of the position of the monarch in the [[Constitution of Canada|Canadian Constitution]] should not be downplayed. The monarch does retain all power, but it must be used with discretion, lest its use cause a [[constitutional crisis]]. Placement of power in the sovereign's hands provides a final check on executive power. If, for instance, she believed a proposed law threatened the freedom or security of her [[Canadian nationality law|citizens]], the Queen could decline [[Royal Assent]]. Furthermore, armed removal of her by parliament or government would be difficult, as the monarch remains [[Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces|Commander-in-Chief]] of the armed forces,<ref>[http://www.solon.org/Constitutions/Canada/English/ca_1867.html Constitution Act, 1867]</ref> who swear an [[Oath of Allegiance (Canada)|oath of allegiance]] to her.
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[[Image:Government of Canada signature.svg|right|250px]]
[[カナダ首相]]が[[政府首脳]]である。首相は[[カナダ総督]]に任命される。ただし、安定した政府のcontinuityを確保するため、その人物は[[庶民院 (カナダ)|庶民院]]の信任を受けなくてはならない。
The [[Prime Minister of Canada]] is the [[head of government]]. The prime minister is appointed by the governor general, but to ensure the continuity of a stable government, this person must have the confidence of the [[Canadian House of Commons|House of Commons]] to lead the government. In practice, the position usually goes to the leader of the political party that has the most seats in the [[lower house]]. On several occasions in Canadian history no party has had a majority in the House of Commons and thus one party, usually the largest, forms a [[minority government]]. As of 2008, Canada's government has a minority government.
実際には、首相の座は[[下院]]で最多の議席数を確保した政党のリーダーに渡る。カナダの歴史上、過去何度かどの政党も過半数を得られず、ある党(通常最大政党)が[[少数与党政府]]{{enlink|minority government}}を形成した。2008年から、カナダは少数与党政府で運営されている。
The prime minister holds office until he resigns or is removed by the governor general; therefore, the party that was in government before the election may attempt to continue to govern if it so desires, even if it holds fewer seats than another party. [[Coalition government]]s are rare at the federal level: since Sir [[John A. Macdonald]]'s [[Liberal-Conservative]] governments in the mid 1800s, Canada has had only one other coalition government, the [[Union Government]] of Sir [[Robert Borden]] during [[World War I]].
36 ⟶ 40行目:
When there are enough seats for another party to form a government after the resignation of a prime minister, the governor general may ask the other party to try to form the government. This became clear after the [[King-Byng Affair]] in 1926. In practice, it is unlikely that a new alliance could be formed that would have the confidence of Parliament.
==Legislative power==
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