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'''大洋艦隊'''(たいようかんたい、{{lang-de-short|'''Hochseeflotte'''}}、ホーホゼーフロッテ)は[[第一次世界大戦]]における[[ドイツ海軍|ドイツ帝国海軍]](Kaiserliche Marine)主力[[艦隊]]の呼称である。[[ヤーデ湾]]の[[ヴィルヘルムスハーフェン]]を基地とした。本艦隊は[[イギリス]]近海を支配する[[イギリス海軍]]にとって脅威となり、戦争中イギリス[[本国艦隊]]([[グランドフリート]])は[[北海]]から動くことが出来ず、他の戦域での多くの緊急任務が艦船の不足により実行されない結果となった(その代わり、大洋艦隊も北海から抜け出せなかった)。'''大海艦隊'''や'''高海艦隊'''とも書かれる。
<!-- The '''High Seas Fleet''' ([[German language|German]]: ''Hochseeflotte'') was the main battle fleet of the [[Kaiserliche Marine]] (Imperial German Navy) during [[World War I]]. The fleet was based at [[Wilhelmshaven]] in the [[Jadebusen|Jade estuary]], and commanded by Admirals [[Friedrich von Ingenohl]] ([[1913]]&ndash;[[1915]]), [[Hugo von Pohl]] (1915&ndash;[[1916]]), [[Reinhard Scheer]] (1916&ndash;[[1918]]), and [[Franz von Hipper]] (1918). It posed such a threat to the [[Royal Navy]]'s control of the seas around [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland|Britain]] that the British [[Grand Fleet]] had to remain concentrated in the [[North Sea]] for the duration of the war, even as many urgent tasks in other theatres of war went undone for lack of ships. -->
<!-- The High Seas Fleet was outnumbered three to two by the British Grand Fleet; however, during some periods in the first year of the war an equalization of forces in the North Sea was almost achieved not by Germany's will but by the British dispersal of ships to numerous other parts of the world. In the latter part of the war the ratio tipped in the British favour. The German navy was unwilling to risk a head-to-head engagement of fleets, preferring a strategy of raids into the North Sea with the aim of drawing out a section of the British fleet that could be cut off and destroyed. However, the battles at [[battle of Heligoland Bight|Heligoland Bight]] ([[28 August]] [[1914]]), [[Battle of Dogger Bank (1915)|Dogger Bank]] ([[24 January]] [[1915]]) and [[Battle of Jutland|Jutland]] ([[31 May]] [[1916]]) were inconclusive and did not change the strategic position. -->
その後イギリスの海上[[封鎖]]によりドイツの経済状況が悪化したため、ドイツ帝国海軍はイギリスに対し[[通商破壊]]作戦を行うことにより[[大西洋の戦い (第一次世界大戦)|大西洋の戦い]]を勝利に導こうと[[無制限潜水艦作戦]]に注力するようになった。
<!-- As the British [[blockade]] caused increasing economic hardship in Germany, the German Imperial Navy concentrated its resources on [[unrestricted submarine warfare]] in an effort to win the [[First Battle of the Atlantic]] and strangle the British war effort. Aside from two sorties in August 1916 and April 1918, the High Seas Fleet languished in dock for the remainder of the war. -->
[[Image:Hochseeflotte 2.jpg|thumb|left|大洋艦隊の[[弩級戦艦]]]]
<!-- In October 1918, with the army facing defeat and the civil population starving, Scheer decided to launch a do-or-die attack on the Grand Fleet. Knowing that the attack would be vetoed, he neglected to inform the government of Prince [[Prince Maximilian of Baden|Max von Baden]]. But when orders were given to sail from [[Wilhelmshaven mutiny|Wilhelmshaven]] on [[29 October]] [[1918]], many sailors either refused to obey them or deserted. The plan was abandoned, but these events led to the [[German Revolution|Kiel Mutiny]], to revolution in Germany, the fall of the Imperial government on [[9 November]] and the [[Armistice with Germany (Compiègne)|Armistice]] on [[11 November]] [[1918]]. -->
停戦協定により、大洋艦隊はイギリス海軍の本拠地、[[オークニー諸島]]の[[スカパ・フロー]]に抑留されることとなった。1918年[[11月21日]]、「ZZ作戦」により16隻の連合軍[[戦艦]]にエスコートされ、大洋艦隊の11隻の戦艦、5隻の[[巡洋戦艦]]、8隻の[[巡洋艦]]および48隻の[[駆逐艦]]が回航された。[[1919年]][[6月21日]]、[[ルートヴィヒ・フォン・ロイター]][[中将]]はそれら艦船がイギリスの手に渡るのをよしとせず、自沈させるよう命じた。53隻の艦が沈み、沈没を防ごうとしたイギリス軍により9名のドイツ軍士官および水兵が殺された。彼らは第一次世界大戦の最後の犠牲者となった。ドイツ海軍最後にして最良の戦艦「[[バーデン (戦艦)|バーデン]]」は後に浜に引き上げられ、広範囲に渡り分析された。
<!-- Under the terms of the Armistice, the High Seas Fleet went into internment at the [[Royal Navy]]'s base at [[Scapa Flow]] in [[Orkney]]. In "Operation ZZ" on [[21 November]] [[1918]], sixty Allied battleships escorted eleven battleships, five battlecruisers, eight cruisers and forty-eight destroyers of the High Seas Fleet into captivity. On [[21 June]] [[1919]], [[Rear Admiral]] [[Ludwig von Reuter]] gave the order to scuttle the ships to prevent their falling into British hands. Fifty-three ships sank. Nine German officers and sailors were killed as the British attempted to prevent the sinkings, and were the last casualties of the First World War. The battleship [[SMS Baden (1915)|SMS ''Baden'']], Germany's last and best battleship built, was successfully beached and extensively analysed. -->
[[スウェーデン]]の歴史家アルフ・W・ヨハンソンは、ドイツ軍の大洋艦隊創設は戦略的大失敗の典型だと述べている。彼の著書『Europas krig』(ヨーロッパ戦争)によれば、
{{cquote|ドイツ海軍[[元帥 (ドイツ)|元帥]][[アルフレート・フォン・ティルピッツ]]の大洋艦隊は、非常に大きな誤算だったことが証明された(うぬぼれ、過信、そして曖昧な軍事思想のたまもの)。それは政治的圧力をかける手段としても役に立たないということも分かった(イギリスをドイツ側に強制的に引き込む代わりに[[フランス]]に接近させる結果となった)。戦争が起こったとき、それは戦争の道具としては分不相応だった。||10px}}
<!-- Swedish historian Alf W Johansson considers the creation of a German High Sea Fleet a prime example of a strategic blunder. Translated from his book ''Europas krig'' ("Wars of Europe"):
<blockquote>[[Alfred von Tirpitz|Admiral von Tirpitz's]] High Seas Fleet had proven to be a gigantic miscalculation; a product of vanity, conceit, and fuzzy military thinking. It proved useless as a means of exerting political pressure; instead of forcing Britain closer to Germany it drove them closer to [[France]]. When the war came, it was unfit as a military instrument.</blockquote> -->
<!-- It can be added that the final attempt to use it as a military instrument resulted in the overthrow of the political system that built it. -->
<!-- Bei Kriegsausbruch im August 1914 betrug ihre Stärke: -->
{| class="wikitable"
! 艦種 || 数
65 ⟶ 56行目:
<!-- Die Schlachtschiffe, Linienschiffe und Küstenpanzerschiffe bildeten zu dieser Zeit sechs [[Geschwader]], die Kreuzer bildeten fünf Aufklärungsgruppen, die Flottentorpedoboote waren in acht, die U-Boote in zwei [[Flottille]]n eingeteilt. -->
<!-- Zusätzlich zu den oben aufgeführten Einheiten gehörten zur Hochseeflotte vier Hafenflottillen mit Kleinen Kreuzern und Torpedobooten. -->