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農近 (会話 | 投稿記録)
農近 (会話 | 投稿記録)
| 芸名 = {{Rtl-lang|he|שמואל מעוז}}
| ふりがな = サミュエル・マオズ
| 画像ファイル = Samuel Maoz.jpg
| 画像サイズ =
| 画像コメント = [[第66回ヴェネツィア国際映画祭]]にて(2009年撮影)
| 本名 =
| 別名 = <!-- 別芸名がある場合記載。愛称の欄ではありません。 -->
| 出生地 = {{ISR}}・[[テルアビブ]]
| 死没地 =
| 生年 = 1939
| 生月 = 5
| 生日 = 23
| 没年 =
| 没月 =
| 没日 =
| 職業 = [[映画監督]]
| 主な作品 =
'''サミュエル・マオズ'''({{Rtl-lang|he|שמואל מעוז}}, [[1962年]] - )は、[[イスラエル]]の[[映画監督]]。マオズが監督および[[脚本家|脚本]]をつとめた2009年の映画『[[レバノン (映画)|レバノン]]』は、[[第66回ヴェネツィア国際映画祭]]で最高賞の[[金獅子賞]]を受賞した<ref>{{Citation |title=66. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica, Premi ufficiali |publisher=la Biennale di Venezia |url=http://www.labiennale.org/it/cinema/archivio/mostra/premi/ |accessdate=2014-08-03 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20131220145731/http://www.labiennale.org/it/cinema/archivio/mostra/premi/ |archivedate=2013-12-20}}</ref>。
== 経歴 ==
1962年、イスラエルの[[テルアビブ]]に生まれ、20歳の時に{{仮リンク|レバノン戦争 (1982年)|en|1982 Lebanon War|label=レバノン戦争}}でレバノンに侵攻したイスラエル軍戦車の砲撃手として従軍する<ref>{{Citation |first=Rachel |last=Cooke |title=Samuel Maoz: my life at war and my hopes for peace |newspaper=The Guardian |date=2010-05-02 |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2010/oct/22/chinatown-film-guardian-observer |accessdate=2014-08-03 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140212005107/http://www.theguardian.com/film/2010/may/02/israel-lebanon-samuel-maoz-tanks |archivedate=2014-02-12}}</ref><ref>{{Citation |first=Steven |last=Erlanger |title='Lebanon', Samuel Maoz's Tank's-Eye View of War |newspaper=The New York Times |date=2010-07-30 |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/01/movies/01lebanon.html |accessdate=2014-08-03 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130129060911/http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/01/movies/01lebanon.html |archivedate=2013-01-29}}</ref>。戦後、Beit Zvi 演劇学校でカメラマンとしての訓練を受けて、映画やテレビ番組制作の演出を手がける<ref>{{Citation |title=Lebanon |publisher=Toronto International Film Festival Inc |url=http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/films/lebanon |accessdate=2014-08-03 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20091124055839/http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/films/lebanon |archivedate=2009-11-24}}</ref>。
As a director, Maoz was associated with the production of documentary films, directing the ARTE production ''Total Eclipse'' (2000) with [[Yevgenya Dodina]].<ref>see Head, Shula:''Prima Dodina''. Jerusalem Post, 30 May 2003, p. 12</ref> In 2007, Maoz began working on ''Lebanon'', his first feature film. The script, based on Maoz's personal experiences, describes the traumatic experiences of a four-man Israeli tank crew in a Lebanese village early in the war.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2010/may/02/israel-lebanon-samuel-maoz-tanks Samuel Maoz: My life at war and my hopes for peace]</ref>
At the end of July 2009, Maoz received an invitation to the competition of the [[66th Venice International Film Festival|66th Venice Film Festival]], where he won the Golden Lion after having had been rejected at the [[Berlin International Film Festival|Berlin]] and the [[Cannes Film Festival|Cannes]] film festivals.<ref>See Elley, Derek [http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118007804.html?categoryid=2653&cs=1'' pics, 3-D''fills out lineup]. Variety, 31 August-6th September 2009</ref>
Lebanon was praised as one of the most compelling competition entries. That same year the film was nominated for the ''Ophir'', Israel's national film awards, in ten categories.
== フィルモグラフィ ==
* 『[[レバノン (映画)|レバノン]]』 - {{Rtl-lang|he|לבנון}} (2009年、監督・脚本)
== 脚注 ==
== 外部リンク ==
* {{Kinejun name|246637|サミュエル・マオズ}}
* {{Allcinema name|876929|サミュエル・マオズ}}
* {{Imdb name|1413443|Samuel Maoz}}
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