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'''Masataka Ohshita''' (大下 正孝 born 18 July 1956), is a Japanese martial artist, and World Karate Kata champion.
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'''Masataka Ohshita''' (大下 正孝 born 18 July 1956), is a Japanese martial artist, and World Karate Kata champion who was born in Osaka, Japan. After 26 years of intensive training with Karate Grand Master 'Chojiro Tani'(Soke, Tani-ha Shito-ryu Shukokai karate), Ohshita became all Japan karate 'Kata' champion at 'Nippon Budokan' in 1991 in Tokyo Japan at his age of 35. He also became a 'Kata' champion of Shito-ryu world karate championship in France in 2005.