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FENDI1985 (会話 | 投稿記録)
== 宣教方法 ==
「一人が 一人を布教しよう」というスローガンが掲げられ、布教の実績をメンバー同士で競わせている。勧誘は、大学の[[偽装サークル]]などといった非宗教的な団体を通じて、宗教的な性質や教義、本当の目的を明らかにせずに行われている<ref>{{Harvnb|櫻井|2007c|p=2}}{{リンク切れ|date=2016年9月}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://gazette.gokmu.com/news/article.html?no=189 |title=How to Spot a Woolly Wolf |publisher=The Keimyung Gazette |date=2006-08-18 |accessdate=2014-03-01 |quote=Although its members come from all works of life: university lectures, soldiers, doctors, teacher, nurse, housewives, and children, JMS is essentially a university cult, Most of the former members I have spoken to encountered JMS on a university campus. Younger girls are also targeted for recruitment: in Hong Kong the cult has high school liaison officers, and in Seoul a church especially for schoolgirls. Soccer, cheerleading, modelling, photography, martial arts, dance, drama, and music festivals are all activities JMS uses to acquire new members, Hosting there events are front organizations: organization with no obvious links to JMS. Totally deceptive in nature, members routinely lie to hide their JMS connections, An international student studying at Ewha Women's University found herself at Wolmyungdong after being invited to a martial arts display.}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://ucsdguardian.org/?p=8108 |title=Alleged Cult Sows Seeds Via Campus Event &#124; |publisher=The Guardian, University of California, San Diego, USA |date=2006-11-13 |accessdate=2014-03-01 |quote=Members of a controversial religious group, led by an international fugitive wanted for numerous instances of alleged rape and sexual assault of female members, recently held an event at UCSD, which included a modeling show featuring young women, singing and videotaped religious messages from the group’s founder — hallmarks of the group’s tactics to recruit new members. The group, known as the Global Association of Culture and Peace, was established by 61-year-old South Korean national Jung Myung Seok, who also goes by the name Joshua Jung. The group, widely regarded by international press as a cult, also goes by several other names, including JMS, Providence, Setsuri and the Bright Smile Movement.}}</ref>。その勧誘方法は、法律家により「詐欺」と説明された<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200607310108.html|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20131219032728/http://icsahome.com/infoserv_respond/by_group.asp?ID=30280 |title=Cult aimed at elite in 50 universities|publisher=[[Asahi Shimbun]]| date=2006-07-31|archivedate=2013-12-19 | accessdate=2015-04-06 |quote=Ex-members say recruiting on campus started on Jung's orders in the mid-1990s. "It's a fraudulent activity, as they conceal the group's identity in luring members," a lawyer said. An ex-member in his 30s said he and other cultists were deprived of sleep--forced to work late into the night and then wake up early to listen to Jung's videotaped preaching.}}</ref>。日本においては[[東京大学]]、[[東京外国語大学]]、[[早稲田大学]]などで大学生の信者を獲得したが、「宗教団体であることを隠した悪質な信者勧誘や、脱会希望者への執拗な引き留め行為」が問題視された<ref name=dot.asahi.com/>。その後、駅前のカフェや書店の宗教・思想コーナーで高校生を勧誘する傾向が見られるようになる<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.chugainippoh.co.jp/rensai/jiryu/130518-004.html|title=「カルト」から学生守る - 全国カルト対策大学ネットワーク - 160以上の大学が連携 - 恵泉女学園大 川島堅二学長に聞く|work=中外日報|date=2013-05-18|accessdate=2014-07-29}}{{リンク切れ|date=2016年2月}}</ref>。
== 献金 ==