「ハムレット (キャラクター)」の版間の差分

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クローディアスは、何がハムレットを苦しめているのかを明らかにするために、ハムレットの友人であるローゼンクランツとギルデンスターンをヴィッテンベルクから呼び寄せる。クローディアスとアドバイザーのポローニアスは[[オフィーリア]](ポローニアスの娘でハムレットの恋人)にハムレットと話すよう説得し、そのあいだに彼らは会話を盗み聞きする。ハムレットがその場に入ってきて、自殺するか考える("To be, or not to be")。オフィーリアはハムレットと会い、彼との思い出を返すと言う。そしてハムレットはオフィーリアの貞節を問い、「尼寺へ行け("get thee to a nunnery")」と告げる。
Hamlet devises a test to see whether Claudius is guilty:ハムレットはクローディアスが有罪かどうかを確かめるために、彼を試す。宮廷の前で、王の殺人についての劇を演じるために役者の一団を雇う。そしてホレイシオがクローディアスの反応を窺う。 he hires a group of actors to perform a play about the murder of a king in front of the royal court, and has Horatio gauge Claudius' reaction. Claudius demands the play be stopped half through because it is the cause of his guilty conscience. When Claudius leaves the audience deeply upset, Hamlet knows that the ghost was telling the truth. He follows Claudius into his chambers in order to kill him, but stops when he sees his uncle praying; he does not want to kill Claudius while he is in a state of grace because Hamlet wants Claudius to suffer in purgatory and Claudius has just attempted to cleanse his sin through confession. A second attempt on Claudius' life ends in Polonius' accidental death.
Claudius, now fearing for his life, sends Hamlet to England, accompanied (and closely watched) by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Alone, Claudius discloses that he is actually sending Hamlet to his death. Prior to embarking for England, Hamlet hides Polonius' body, ultimately revealing its location to the King. Meanwhile, her father's death has driven Ophelia insane with grief, and Claudius convinces her brother [[Laertes (Hamlet)|Laertes]] that Hamlet is to blame. He proposes a fencing match between the two. Laertes informs the king that he will further poison the tip of his sword so that a mere scratch would mean certain death. Claudius plans to offer Hamlet poisoned wine if that fails. Gertrude enters to report that Ophelia has killed herself.