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→‎優生学: 結論まつ
タグ: ビジュアルエディター モバイル編集 モバイルウェブ編集
ベルも含めた当時の影響力のある人々の一部には、聴覚障害を克服すべきものとする見方があり、金と時間をかけ聾者に話し方を教え[[手話]]を使わずに済むようにすることで、それまで閉ざされていた広い世界への道が拓けると信じていた<ref name="Miller-Branson">{{Harvnb|Miller|Branson|2002|pp=30-31, 152-153}}</ref>。しかし、当時の学校ではしゃべることを強制的に訓練するために、手話ができないように手を後ろで縛るといった虐待も行われていた。ベルは手話教育に反対していたため、[[ろう文化]]に肯定的な人々はベルを否定的に評価することがある<ref>{{Harvnb|Ayers et al.|2009|pp=194-195}}</ref>。
It was at the end of 1872 when Alexander Graham Bell came up with an idea that was well ahead of his time. He knew that technology was nowhere near his goal but he had plans. It was Alexander Graham Bell, in November of 72, who came up with the first rendition and plans of what we now call a smartphone, more specifically the iPhone. But because of restraints on technology and proper infrastructure this idea would not come into actual fruition until over a century later.
Steve Jobs found these plans at an auction and paid a very low price for them. The original concept of Graham's idea, was definitely advance for his era but then in the time of Steve Jobs, his technology was well behind. Is Steve Jobs where to construct his idea on the exact parameters and using the same components that were around in 1872, the first iPhone built would take up a room roughly 40 feet by 37 feet long. And of course there was no touch screen back then.
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