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== 参考文献 ==
* Hall, S.R., Taylor, P.D., Davis, S.A. and Mann, S., 2002. Electron diffraction studies of the calcareous skeletons of bryozoans. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 88: 410-419. [http://www.inchm.bris.ac.uk/mann/J%20Inorg%20Biochem%202002%20bryozoans.pdf]
* Taylor, P.D. and Wilson, M.A., 2003. Palaeoecology and evolution of marine hard substrate communities. Earth-Science Reviews 62: 1-103. [https://web.archive.org/web/20090325233234/http://www.wooster.edu/geology/Taylor%26Wilson2003.pdf]
* 白山義久編集;岩槻邦男・馬渡峻輔監修 『無脊椎動物の多様性と系統』 2000, 裳華房
* 岡田要 『新日本動物図鑑』 1976, 図鑑の北隆館