「ウェリントン公爵騎馬像 (オールダーショット)」の版間の差分

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しかし、騎馬像はアーチと均衡が取れていない、と考えた者は多かった。アーチを設計したデシマス・バートンはことのほかこの像を嫌っており、遺言の中でこの像の除去に充てる費用を確保しておいたほどであった。<ref name=stamp>{{cite book|title=The Expanding Metropolis |last = Stamp |first =Gavin |authorlink=Gavin Stamp |year = 1984 |publisher =Viking Viking |location=Harmondsworth |pages=132–3 |isbn=0-670-80058-9 }}</ref> [[Queenヴィクトリア Victoria(イギリス女王)|ヴィクトリア女王]] also regarded it as an eyesore, marring the view from Buckingham Palace; however, it could not be tactfully moved during the lifetime of the Duke of Wellington, who would have seen such a move as an insult.も像はバッキンガム宮殿からの眺望を妨げる目障りな存在とみなしていた。しかしウェルズリーの存命中に像を移動させるのは本人に対する侮辱と取られるおそれもあり、像はアーチの上に置かれたままとなっていた。
When [[Wellington Arch]], also known as "Constitution Arch" or (originally) the "Green Park Arch", was moved in 1882-3 a short distance to its present location on [[Hyde Park Corner]], the statue of the Duke was removed and left in Green Park while its future location was debated. In 1883 the Prince of Wales, the future [[King Edward VII]], suggested that it should be moved to [[Aldershot#Aldershot Military Town|Aldershot Military Town]], "where it will be highly regarded by the Army." Eventually Parliament agreed with his suggestion and the statue was taken to Aldershot for reassembly. Its removal from the arch had been a relief to the many critics who had considered it out of proportion and inappropropriate for such a location.