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海ボチャン (会話 | 投稿記録)
When it was proved Mantell was correct the only question was what to call his new reptile. His original name was ''Iguanasaurus'' but he then received a letter from [[William Daniel Conybeare]], ''"Your discovery of the analogy between the Iguana and the fossil teeth is very interesting but the name you propose will hardly do, because it is equally applicable to the recent iguana. Iguanoides or Iguanodon would be better."'' Mantell took this advice to heart and called his creature ''Iguanodon''.
苦労の末にマンテルの意見が認められた後、遂に歯の持ち主に名前を付けることになった。彼は初めイグアナサウルス (''Iguanasaurus'') と命名しようとしたが、イギリスの地質学者[[ウィリアム・ダニエル・コニベア (地質学者)|ウィリアム・ダニエル・コニベア]] から、その名称は現生のイグアナの名称でもあると手紙で指摘を受け、コニアの代替案であるイグアノドンの名を採用することにした。そうして[[1825年]]にイグアノドンは正式に種として承認されたのである。
Years later, Mantell had acquired enough fossil evidence to show that the dinosaur's forelimbs were much shorter than its hind legs, therefore ruling out any mammal. Mantell went on to demonstrate that fossil [[vertebra]]e, which Owen had attributed to a variety of different species, all belonged to ''Iguanodon''. He also named a new species of dinosaur called ''[[Hylaeosaurus]]'' and as a result became an authority on prehistoric reptiles.