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'''イクティノス'''(Iktinos({{Lang-grc|Ἰκτῖνος}}、{{Lang-la|Ictinus}})は、紀元前5世紀中ごろに活躍した[[建築家]]<ref>{{cite book | first=Leland M. | last=Roth | year=1993 | title=Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History and Meaning | edition=First | publisher=Westview Press | location=Boulder, CO | isbn=0-06-430158-3 | pages=203}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | first = F. E. | last = Winter | year =1980 | title = Tradition and innovation in Doric design: the work of Iktinos | journal = American Journal of Archaeology | issue = 4 | pages = 399–416 | doi = 10.2307/504069 | volume = 84}}</ref>。古代の文献によれば、[[カリクラテス]]と共に[[パルテノン神殿]]の建設を指揮した。