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m テンプレート引数の行末のバーティカル・バーを行頭に移す
m Yqm (会話) による ID:63468892 の版を取り消し
{{Infobox nerve |
| Name = 横隔神経 |
| English = Phrenic nerve |
| Latin = nervus phrenicus |
| GraySubject = 210 |
| GrayPage = 928 |
| Image = Gray806.png |
| Caption = The phrenic nerve and its relations with the [[迷走神経|vagus nerve]]. (Phrenic labeled at upper left.) |
| Image2 = Gray804.png |
| Caption2 = Plan of the cervical plexus. (Phrenic labeled at bottom right.) |
| Innervates = [[横隔膜]]|
| BranchFrom = [[頸神経叢]] C3-C5 |
| BranchTo = |
| MeshName = |
| MeshNumber = |
| DorlandsPre = n_05 |
| DorlandsSuf = 12566505 |
Image:Gray808.png|The right brachial plexus with its short branches, viewed from in front.
== 参考文献 ==