「国家最高司法裁判所 (メキシコ)」の版間の差分

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{{Infobox high court
|court_name = Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation
|native_name = Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación
|image = Mexican Supreme Court logo.png
|imagesize = 250
|caption =
|motto =
|established = 1825
|dissolved = <!-- year -->
|country = {{MEX}}
|location = Pino Suárez no. 2, Colonia Centro, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06065, Mexico City
|coordinates = {{Coord|19|25|52.01|N|99|7|55.58|W|region:MX|}}
|type = 最高裁判所
|authority = [[メキシコ憲法]]
|appeals = <!-- appeals from this court go where -->
|terms = 15年
|positions = 11
|budget = <!-- amount of annual budget -->
|website = https://www.scjn.gob.mx/
|chiefjudgetitle = 長官
|chiefjudgename = [[Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea]]
|termstart = 2 January 2019
|termend = <!-- year term for current chief as chief ends, if applicable -->
|termend2 = <!-- year term of current chief ends if applicable -->
|chiefjudgetitle2 = <!-- title of the second top judge if applicable-->
|chiefjudgename2 = <!-- current deputy chief's name -->
|termstart2 = <!-- year current deputy chief became chief -->
|termend3 = <!-- year term for current deputy chief as chief ends, if applicable -->
|termend4 = <!-- year term of current deputy chief ends if applicable -->
|map_type = Mexico Mexico City
|map_alt =
|map_caption = Location in Mexico City
'''国家最高司法裁判所'''(こっかさいこうしほうさいばんしょ、'''La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación''')は、[[メキシコ|メキシコ合衆国]]の[[最高裁判所|最上級司法機関]]である。メキシコ最高裁判所またはメキシコ連邦最高裁判所とも意訳される。