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en:Royal Ballet School 18:37, 18 July 2020‎の版 からHistoryの節を一部翻訳.
'''ロイヤル・バレエ学校'''(ロイヤル・バレエがっこう、{{lang-en-short|The Royal Ballet School}})は、[[イギリス|英国]]にある名門王立バレエ学校である。
== ;概要 ==
== 歴史 ==
1926年、アイルランド生まれの女性 [[ニネット・ド・ヴァロア]]が女子向けのダンススクールのAcademy of Choreographic Artを設立し、これが今日のロイヤル・バレエ学校の前身となった。ド・ヴァロワが意図していたことはレパートリーバレエ団と学校を作ることであった。その結果、劇場オーナーでプロデューサーの{{仮リンク|リリアン・ベイリス|en|Lilian Baylis}}と協力してゆくことになった。<!--In 1926, the Irish-born dancer Ninette de Valois founded the Academy of Choreographic Art,[4] a dance school for girls and the predecessor of today's Royal Ballet School. Her intention was to form a repertory ballet company and school, leading her to collaborate with theatrical producer and theatre owner Lilian Baylis.--> ベイリスはOld Vic theatreを所有しており、それに加えて1925年にSadler's Wells theatreを手に入れた。1928年、ベイリスはド・ヴァロワに両劇場でダンス・パフォーマンスの舞台を行うよう勧め、1931年にSadler's Wells theatreを再開し、そこにド・ヴァロワの学校を移動させ、the Sadler's Wells Ballet Schoolという名にし男女両方に教える体制にした。<!-- Baylis owned the Old Vic theatre and acquired Sadler's Wells theatre in 1925. In 1928, she engaged de Valois to stage dance performances at both theatres and she re-opened Sadler's Wells theatre in 1931, with de Valois' school moving into studios on the site as the Sadler's Wells Ballet School, teaching both boys and girls. -->同時期、その学校の生徒および当時の著名なダンサーを用いてVic-Wells Ballet Companyも創設された。学校のほうもカンパニーのほうも急成長し、the Old Vicでのダンス上演が終了した時点でカンパニーはthe Sadler's Wells Balletと改名された。
<!--At the same time, the Vic-Wells Ballet Company was formed using students of the school and other notable dancers of the era. Both the school and the ballet company developed quickly and after ballet performances ceased at the Old Vic, the ballet company was renamed the Sadler's Wells Ballet.-->
== 主な卒業生 ==
以下、英語版[[:en:Royal Ballet School]](18:37, 18 July 2020)のHistoryの節より。翻訳力のある人なら、誰でも翻訳しては、コメントアウトを外して表示すればよい。
* [[吉田都]]
* [[中野綾子]]
In 1946, the company moved to become the resident ballet company at the newly re-opened Royal Opera House in Covent Garden and as a result, in 1947 the school moved from Sadler's Wells to premises in Barons Court, with academic education being introduced for younger students.
Following rapid expansion, in 1955 the school secured the premises at White Lodge in Richmond Park, London. This was established at the time as the Royal Ballet 'Lower School', a residential boarding school for children aged 11–16, combining general education and vocational ballet training. The Royal Ballet School 'Upper School' was established at the school's existing premises in Barons Court with students studying ballet on a full-time basis between the ages of 16–19.
In October 1956, a Royal Charter was granted officially linking the ballet company and school and they became The Royal Ballet School and Royal Ballet Company. A second smaller company still performed at Sadler's Wells and toured around the UK and this became the Sadler's Wells Royal Ballet. de Valois retired as Director in 1970.
In 1990, the Sadler's Wells company moved to become the resident ballet company at the Birmingham Hippodrome, in Birmingham, where it was renamed Birmingham Royal Ballet, forming a new association with the Elmhurst Ballet School in 2002.
In January 2003, The Royal Ballet School's older students (aged 16–19) moved to a newly constructed studio complex in Floral Street, adjacent to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, where The Royal Ballet remains the resident ballet company. A bridge was constructed between the school and the Opera House, linking the school with the theatre and The Royal Ballet Company's own studios. The designer of the bridge received an architectural award[5] and it is known as the Bridge of Aspiration. -->
== 主な卒業生 ==
[[:en:Royal Ballet School#Notable alumni]]
:: 一旦英語ページへ行き、興味のある人物の英語ページへ行き、その左側に表示されている多言語リンクの中から日本語を選べば日本語記事にたどりつく。
[[:en:Category:People educated at the Royal Ballet School]]
== 外部リンク ==