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Omnipotent, being derived from this word, would have meant near to "Almighty" or "That can do all".<ref>Wiktionary: The free dictionary. omnis, potens & potentia‎potentia. Available in: «omnis», «potens» & «potentia»</ref>。
Omni - from the Latin: omnis | meaning: every, all[1] 全
Potence[1] from the Latin: potentia | meaning: power, potence 力、能 from the Latin:
potens | meaning: power, potence   力、能 (この文書は翻訳ミスの可能性がある)
Almightyは完全な力を持つさま、神、キリスト 、万物を超える力を 、(神について)何でもする力を持っている。