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<ref name="Symposium1">Duster, Michael J. "Criminal Justice System Reform Symposium: Note: Out of Sight, Out of Mind: State Attempts to Banish Sex Offenders." ''Drake Law Review.'' 53:711 (Spring 2005).</ref><ref name="Note">"Note: Membership Has Its Privileges and Immunities: Congressional Power to Define and Enforce the Rights of National Citizenship." ''Harvard Law Review.'' 102:1925 (June 1989).</ref>
==Travel within the United States==
===Constitutional freedom===
As early as the [[Articles of Confederation]] the Congress recognized freedom of movement (Article 4), though the right was thought to be so fundamental during the drafting of the [[United States Constitution|Constitution]] as not needing explicit enumeration.<ref name="Mount">[http://www.usconstitution.net/constnot.html#travel] Mount, Steve; "Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution"</ref>
The U.S. Supreme Court in ''[[Crandall v. Nevada]]'', {{ussc|73|35|1868}} declared that freedom of movement is a fundamental right and therefore a [[U.S. state|state]] cannot inhibit people from leaving the state by taxing them. In ''[[United States v. Wheeler (1920)|United States v. Wheeler]],'' 254 U.S. 281 (1920), the Supreme Court reiterated its position that the Constitution did not grant the federal government the power to protect freedom of movement. However, ''Wheeler'' had a significant impact in other ways. For many years, the roots of the Constitution's "privileges and immunities" clause had only vaguely been determined.<ref name="Bogen">Bogen, David Skillen. ''Privileges and Immunities: A Reference Guide to the United States Constitution.'' Westport, Ct.: Praeger Press, 2003. {{ISBN|0-313-31347-4}}</ref> In 1823, the circuit court in ''Corfield'' had provided a list of the rights (some fundamental, some not) which the clause could cover.<ref>Wadley, James B. "Indian Citizenship and the Privileges and Immunities Clauses of the United States Constitution: An Alternative to the Problems of the Full Faith and Credit and Comity?" ''Southern Illinois University Law Journal.'' 31:31 (Fall 2006).</ref><ref>Dunlap, Frank L. "Constitutional Law: Power of States to Prevent Entry of Paupers from Other States." ''California Law Review.'' 26:5 (July 1938).</ref> The ''Wheeler'' court dramatically changed this. It was the first to locate the right to travel in the privileges and immunities clause, providing the right with a specific guarantee of constitutional protection.<ref>Foscarinis, Maria. "Downward Spiral: Homelessness and Its Criminalization." ''Yale Law & Policy Review.'' 14:1 (1996).</ref> By reasoning that the clause derived from Article IV of the Articles of Confederation, the decision suggested a narrower set of rights than those enumerated in ''Corfield,'' but also more clearly defined those rights as absolutely fundamental.<ref name="Nelson">Nelson, William E. ''The Fourteenth Amendment: From Political Principle to Judicial Doctrine.'' Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988. {{ISBN|0-674-31625-8}}</ref> The Supreme Court began rejecting ''Wheeler's'' reasoning within a few years. Finally, in ''[[United States v. Guest]],'' 383 U.S. 745 (1966), the Supreme Court overruled Chief Justice White's conclusion that the federal government could protect the right to travel only against state infringement.<ref name="Symposium1"/><ref name="Note" /><ref>''United States v. Guest,'' 383 U.S. 745, 759, n.16.</ref>
The Supreme Court has specifically ruled that ''Crandall'' does not imply a right to use any particular ''mode'' of travel, such as driving an automobile. In ''Hendrick v. Maryland'' (1915), the appellant asked the Court to void Maryland's motor vehicle statute as a violation of the freedom of movement. The Court found "no solid foundation" for the appellant's argument and unanimously held that "in the absence of national legislation covering the subject, a state may rightfully prescribe uniform regulations necessary for public safety and order in respect to the operation upon its highways of all motor vehicles — those moving in interstate commerce as well as others."<ref>{{cite court|litigants=Hendrick v. Maryland|vol=235|reporter=U.S.|opinion=610|court=S. C.|year=1915}}</ref>
<ref name="Mount">[http://www.usconstitution.net/constnot.html#travel] Mount, Steve; "Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution"</ref>
The U.S. Supreme Court also dealt with the right to travel in the case of ''[[Saenz v. Roe]]'', 526 U.S. 489 (1999). In that case, Justice [[John Paul Stevens]], writing for the majority, held that the [[United States Constitution]] protected three separate aspects of the right to travel among the states:
最高裁はクランドール対ネバダ州事件 {{ussc|73|35|1868}}において移動の自由は基本的な権利でありした従って諸州は人民が当該州を退去することを課税によって禁止できないと判示した。合衆国対フィーラー事件において最高裁は、憲法が連邦政府に移動の自由を保護する権能の与えていないという立場を繰り返し表明した。しかし本件は他のインパクトを与えた。永年、憲法上の「特権と免除」条項のルーツは漠然とした定まっていなかった。
(1) the right to enter one state and leave another (an inherent right with historical support from the Articles of Confederation),
(2) the right to be treated as a welcome visitor rather than a hostile stranger (protected by the "Privileges and Immunities" clause in [[Article Four of the United States Constitution|Article IV]], § 2), and
(3) (for those who become permanent residents of a state) the right to be treated equally to native-born citizens (this is protected by the [[Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution|14th Amendment's]] [[Privileges or Immunities Clause]]; citing the majority opinion in the [[Slaughter-House Cases]], Justice Stevens said, "the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment . . . has always been common ground that this Clause protects the third component of the right to travel.").
他の関連諸法と共に1910年に制定されたマン法(白人奴隷取引法)は同意を伴う婚外交渉と解される「不道徳な目的」のための女性の州間移送を禁止した。この法律はよりコントラバーシャルではない事案に加えて連邦政府が当局の注意をいくつかの理由で引く未婚カップルを起訴することを許した。 ( [[ジャック・ジョンソン (ボクサー)|ジャック・ジョンソン]])や左翼的な人々(e.g. [[チャーリー・チャップリン]]) この法律は現在ではジェンダー中立的なものに修正され法定強姦や売春などの違法行為にのみ適用されている。
===Mann Act===
The 1910 [[Mann Act]] ([[Sexual slavery|White-Slave]] Traffic Act) among other things banned the interstate transport of females for otherwise undefined "immoral purposes", which were taken to include consensual extramarital sex. This act was used, in addition to less controversial cases, to allow federal prosecution of unmarried couples who had for some reason come to the attention of the authorities; interracial couples (e.g. boxer [[Jack Johnson (boxer)|Jack Johnson]]) and people with left-wing views (e.g. [[Charlie Chaplin]]) were prosecuted. The Act has since been amended to be gender-neutral and now applies only to sexual activity which is separately illegal (such as prostitution and sex with a minor).
裁判所が移動の自由に強力な憲法上の保障を与えたとは広範な影響を及ぼした。たとえば、最高裁判所は、旅行する権利に対する容認できない負担として、ある法域内に少なくとも1年間居住していなかった個人への福祉手当の支払いに関する州の禁止を覆した。(''[[Shapiro v. Thompson]],'' 394 U.S. 618 (1969))
The Court's establishment of a strong constitutional right to freedom of movement has had far-reaching effects. For example, the Supreme Court overturned state prohibitions on welfare payments to individuals who had not resided within the jurisdiction for at least one year as an impermissible burden on the right to travel (''[[Shapiro v. Thompson]],'' 394 U.S. 618 (1969)). The Court has also struck down one-year residency requirements for voting in state elections (''[[Dunn v. Blumstein]],'' 405 U.S. 330 (1972)), one-year waiting periods before receiving state-provided medical care (''[[Memorial Hospital v. Maricopa County]],'' 415 U.S. 250 (1974)), civil service preferences for state veterans (''[[Attorney Gen. of New York v. Soto-Lopez]],'' 476 U.S. 898 (1986)), but upheld higher fishing and hunting license fees for out-of-state residents (''[[Baldwin v. Fish and Game Commission of Montana]],'' 436 U.S. 371 (1978)).<ref name="Mode" /><ref>Porter, Andrew C. "Comment: Toward a Constitutional Analysis of the Right to Intrastate Travel." ''Northwestern University Law Review.'' 86:820 (1992).</ref><ref>Zubler, Todd. "The Right to Migrate and Welfare Reform: Time for Shapiro v. Thompson to Take A Hike." ''Valparaiso University Law Review.'' 31:893 (Summer 1997).</ref>
Current US Code addresses air travel specifically. In {{USC|49|40103}}, "Sovereignty and use of airspace", the Code specifies that "A citizen of the United States has a public right of transit through the navigable airspace."
A strong right to freedom of movement may yet have even farther-reaching implications. The Supreme Court has acknowledged that freedom of movement is closely related to [[freedom of association]] and to [[Freedom of speech|freedom of expression]]. Strong constitutional protection for the right to travel may have significant implications for state attempts to limit [[pro-choice|abortion rights]], ban or refuse to recognize [[same-sex marriage]], and enact anti-crime or [[consumer protection]] laws. It may even undermine current Court-fashioned concepts of [[federalism]].<ref>Simon, Harry. "Towns Without Pity: A Constitutional and Historical Analysis of Official Efforts to Drive Homeless Persons From American Cities." ''[[Tulane Law Review]].'' 66:631 (March 1992).</ref><ref>Kreimer, Seth F. "The Law of Choice and Choice of Law: Abortion, the Right to Travel, and Extraterritorial Regulation in American Federalism." ''New York University Law Review.'' 67:451 (June 1992).</ref><ref>Rosen, Mark D. "Extraterritoriality and Political Heterogeneity in American Federalism." ''University of Pennsylvania Law Review.'' 150:855 (January 2002).</ref><ref>Kreimer, Seth F. "Territoriality and Moral Dissensus: Thoughts on Abortion, Slavery, Gay Marriage and Family Values." ''Bridgeport Law Review/Quinnipiac Law Review.'' 16:161 (Spring/Summer 1996).</ref><ref>Hemmens, Craig and Bennett, Katherine. "Out in the Street: Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Curfews, and the Constitution." ''Gonzaga Law Review.'' 34:267 (1998/1999).</ref>
===Free speech zones===
79 ⟶ 87行目:
{{DEFAULTSORT:Freedom Of Movement Under United States Lawへいこくほうにおけるいとうのしゆう}}
[[Category:Human rights in the United Statesアメリカ合衆国の憲法典]]
[[Category:Freedom of movement|United Statesアメリカ合衆国の人権]]
[[Category:International travel documents旅行]]