「利用者:YasuakiH/Weibull distribution」の版間の差分

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'''故障率'''(こしょうりつ、{{Lang-en-short|failure rate}})とは、[[システム工学|工学的に設計]]されたシステムや部品が故障する頻度で、単位時間当たりの故障数で表される。通常、[[ギリシア文字]]の [[λ]](ラムダ)で表され、[[信頼性工学]]でよく用いられる。システムの故障率は通常、時間に依存しており、その率はシステムの[[製品ライフサイクル|ライフサイクル]]に応じて変化する。たとえば、自動車の5年目の故障率は、1年目の故障率の何倍にもなる可能性がある。新車で、[[排気管]]を交換したり、ブレーキを[[オーバーホール]]したり、[[トランスミッション]]に重大な問題が起こることを<sub>、</sub>誰も想定していない。
{{short description|Frequency with which an engineered system or component fails}}
'''Failure rate''' is the [[:en:frequency|frequency]] with which an [[:en:systems engineering|engineered system]] or component fails, expressed in failures per unit of time. It is usually denoted by the [[:en:Greek alphabet|Greek letter]] [[:en:λ|λ]] (lambda) and is often used in [[:en:reliability engineering|reliability engineering]].
'''故障率'''(こしょうりつ、{{Lang-en-short|failure rate}})とは、[[システム工学|工学的に設計]]されたシステムや部品が故障する頻度で、単位時間当たりの故障数で表される。通常、[[ギリシア文字]]の [[λ]](ラムダ)で表され、[[信頼性工学]]でよく用いられる。
The failure rate of a system usually depends on time, with the rate varying over the life cycle of the system. For example, an automobile's failure rate in its fifth year of service may be many times greater than its failure rate during its first year of service. One does not expect to replace an exhaust pipe, overhaul the brakes, or have major [[:en:Transmission (mechanics)|transmission]] problems in a new vehicle.
In practice, the [[:en:mean time between failures|mean time between failures]] (MTBF, 1/λ) is often reported instead of the failure rate. This is valid and useful if the failure rate may be assumed constant – often used for complex units / systems, electronics – and is a general agreement in some reliability standards (Military and Aerospace). It does in this case ''only'' relate to the flat region of the [[:en:bathtub curve|bathtub curve]], which is also called the "useful life period". Because of this, it is incorrect to extrapolate MTBF to give an estimate of the service lifetime of a component, which will typically be much less than suggested by the MTBF due to the much higher failure rates in the "end-of-life wearout" part of the "bathtub curve".
The reason for the preferred use for MTBF numbers is that the use of large positive numbers (such as 2000 hours) is more intuitive and easier to remember than very small numbers (such as 0.0005 per hour).
The MTBF is an important system parameter in systems where failure rate needs to be managed, in particular for safety systems. The MTBF appears frequently in the [[:en:engineering|engineering]] design requirements, and governs frequency of required system maintenance and inspections. In special processes called [[:en:renewal process|renewal process]]es, where the time to recover from failure can be neglected and the likelihood of failure remains constant with respect to time, the failure rate is simply the multiplicative inverse of the MTBF (1/λ).
MTBFは、故障率を管理する必要があるシステム、特に安全系において重要なシステムパラメータである。MTBFは、[[工学|工学的]]設計要件に頻繁に登場し、必要なシステムの保守・点検の頻度を決定する。{{仮リンク|再生理論|en|Renewal theory|label=再生過程}}(renewal processes)と呼ばれる特殊なプロセスでは、故障からの回復時間が無視でき、故障の可能性が時間に対して一定である場合、故障率は単純にMTBFの逆数(1/λ)になる。
A similar ratio used in the [[:en:transport industry|transport industries]], especially in [[:en:railway|railway]]s and [[:en:Truck driver|trucking]] is "mean distance between failures", a variation which attempts to [[:en:Correlation|correlate]] actual loaded distances to similar reliability needs and practices.
[[運輸業|運輸業界]]、特に[[鉄道]]や[[貨物自動車|トラック]]輸送で使われている同様の比率は「平均故障距離間隔」(mean distance between failures、MDBF)である。これは実際の積載距離を、同様の信頼性の必要性や慣行に{{仮リンク|相関|en|Correlation}}させようとする変種である。
Failure rates are important factors in the insurance, finance, commerce and regulatory industries and fundamental to the design of safe systems in a wide variety of applications.
== 故障率データ ==
== 故障率データ/Failure rate data ==
Failure rate [[:en:data|data]] can be obtained in several ways. The most common means are:
=== 推定 ===
;Estimation:From field failure rate reports, statistical analysis techniques can be used to estimate failure rates. For accurate failure rates the analyst must have a good understanding of equipment operation, procedures for data collection, the key environmental variables impacting failure rates, how the equipment is used at the system level, and how the failure data will be used by system designers.
=== 対象となる機器やシステムに関する履歴データ ===
=== 政府および商用の故障率データ ===
さまざまな部品の故障率データのハンドブックは、政府や民間の情報源から入手できる。「電子機器の信頼度予測(''Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment'')」(MIL-HDBK-217F)は、多くの軍用電子部品の故障率データを提供する[[軍用規格]]である。また、非電子部品を含む商用部品に焦点を当てたいくつかの故障率データソースが市販されている。
=== 予測法 ===
;Historical data about the device or system under consideration: Many organizations maintain internal databases of failure information on the devices or systems that they produce, which can be used to calculate failure rates for those devices or systems. For new devices or systems, the historical data for similar devices or systems can serve as a useful estimate.
タイムラグ(time lag、時間のずれ)は、すべての故障率推定の重大な欠点の1つである。故障率データが集まる頃には、対象となる機器が旧式になっていることがよくある。この欠点のために、サイクル試験など故障率予測法が開発され、これらの手法で新しく設計された機器の故障率や故障モードを予測することができる。
;Government and commercial failure rate data: Handbooks of failure rate data for various components are available from government and commercial sources. [[#Online|MIL-HDBK-217F]], ''Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment'', is a [[:en:United States Military Standard|military standard]] that provides failure rate data for many military electronic components. Several failure rate data sources are available commercially that focus on commercial components, including some non-electronic components.
;政府および商用の故障率データ:さまざまな部品の故障率データのハンドブックは、政府や民間の情報源から入手できる。「電子機器の信頼度予測(''Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment'')」(MIL-HDBK-217F)は、多くの軍用電子部品の故障率データを提供する[[軍用規格]]である。また、非電子部品を含む商用部品に焦点を当てたいくつかの故障率データソースが市販されている。
;Prediction: Time lag is one of the serious drawbacks of all failure rate estimations. Often by the time the failure rate data are available, the devices under study have become obsolete. Due to this drawback, failure-rate prediction methods have been developed. These methods may be used on newly-designed devices to predict the device's failure rates and failure modes. Two approaches have become well known, Cycle Testing and FMEDA.
;予測法:タイムラグ(time lag、時間のずれ)は、すべての故障率推定の重大な欠点の1つである。故障率データが集まる頃には、対象となる機器が旧式になっていることがよくある。この欠点のために、サイクル試験など故障率予測法が開発され、これらの手法で新しく設計された機器の故障率や故障モードを予測することができる。
; Life Testing: The most accurate source of data is to test samples of the actual devices or systems in order to generate failure data. This is often prohibitively expensive or impractical, so that the previous data sources are often used instead.
;寿命試験:最も正確な情報源は、寿命試験(Life Testing)と呼ばれる、実際の機器やシステムのサンプルをテストして得られた故障データである。しかし、これは非常に費用がかかるか非現実的であるため、代わりにこれまでの情報源を使用することが多い。
;Cycle Testing: Mechanical movement is the predominant failure mechanism causing mechanical and electromechanical devices to wear out. For many devices, the wear-out failure point is measured by the number of cycles performed before the device fails, and can be discovered by cycle testing. In cycle testing, a device is cycled as rapidly as practical until it fails. When a collection of these devices are tested, the test will run until 10% of the units fail dangerously.
;サイクル試験:機械的な動作は、機械的および電気機械的な機器の摩耗を引き起こす主な故障メカニズムである。多くの機器では、消耗故障点は、機器が故障するまでに実行されたサイクル数を用いて測定され、サイクル試験(Cycle Testing)によって発見できる。サイクル試験では、機器が故障するまで、実際に可能な限り迅速に繰り返される。このような機器の集まりを試験する場合、たとえば10%の個体が危険な状態で故障するまで試験が行われる
=== 寿命試験 ===
最も正確な情報源は、寿命試験(Life Testing)と呼ばれる、実際の機器やシステムのサンプルをテストして得られた故障データである。しかし、これは非常に費用がかかるか非現実的であるため、代わりにこれまでの情報源を使用することが多い。
=== サイクル試験 ===
機械的な動作は、機械的および電気機械的な機器の摩耗を引き起こす主な故障メカニズムである。多くの機器では、消耗故障点は、機器が故障するまでに実行されたサイクル数を用いて測定され、サイクル試験(Cycle Testing)によって発見できる。サイクル試験では、機器が故障するまで、実際に可能な限り迅速に繰り返される。このような機器の集まりを試験する場合、たとえば10%の個体が危険な状態で故障するまで試験が行われる
<!-- 英語版記事の「FMEDA」の節は翻訳から外した。(理由:商品宣伝であると考えた) -->
;<s>FMEDA</s>: <s>[[:en:Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis|Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis]] (FMEDA) is a systematic analysis technique to obtain subsystem / product level failure rates, failure modes and design strength. The FMEDA technique considers:</s>
* <s>All components of a design,</s>
* <s>The functionality of each component,</s>
* <s>The failure modes of each component,</s>
* <s>The effect of each component failure mode on the product functionality,</s>
* <s>The ability of any automatic diagnostics to detect the failure,</s>
* <s>The design strength (de-rating, safety factors) and</s>
* <s>The operational profile (environmental stress factors).</s>
<s>Given a component database calibrated with field failure data that is reasonably accurate<ref>{{cite manual
| title = Electrical & Mechanical Component Reliability Handbook
| publisher = exida
| year = 2006
| url = http://www.exida.com
, the method can predict product level failure rate and failure mode data for a given application. The predictions have been shown to be more accurate<ref>{{cite manual
| last = Goble
| first = William M.
|author2= Iwan van Beurden
| title = Combining field failure data with new instrument design margins to predict failure rates for SIS Verification
| publisher = Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium - BEYOND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE, MAKING SAFETY SECOND NATURE, Hilton College Station-Conference Center, College Station, Texas
| year = 2014
}}</ref> than field warranty return analysis or even typical field failure analysis given that these methods depend on reports that typically do not have sufficient detail information in failure records.<ref>W. M. Goble, "Field Failure Data – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly," exida, Sellersville, PA [http://www.exida.com/resources/whitepapers.asp]</ref></s>
== 離散的な意味での故障率/Failure rate in the discrete sense ==
The failure rate can be defined as the following:
:The total number of failures within an item [[:en:statistical population|population]], divided by the total time expended by that population, during a particular measurement interval under stated conditions. (MacDiarmid, ''et al.'')
== 離散的な意味での故障率 ==
:規定の条件下における特定の測定間隔の間に、あるアイテムの[[母集団]]内で起こった故障総数を、その集団が費やした合計時間で割ったもの。(MacDiarmid, ''et al.'')
Although the failure rate, <math>\lambda (t)</math>, is often thought of as the [[:en:probability|probability]] that a failure occurs in a specified interval given no failure before time <math>t</math>, it is not actually a probability because it can exceed 1. Erroneous expression of the failure rate in % could result in incorrect perception of the measure, especially if it would be measured from repairable systems and multiple systems with non-constant failure rates or different operation times. It can be defined with the aid of the [[:en:reliability function|reliability function]], also called the survival function, <math>R(t)=1-F(t)</math>, the probability of no failure before time <math>t</math>.
::<math>\lambda(t) = \frac{f(t)}{R(t)}</math>, where <math>f(t)</math> is the time to (first) failure distribution (i.e. the failure density function).
::<math>\lambda(t) = \frac{R(t_1)-R(t_2)}{(t_2-t_1) \cdot R(t_1)}
= \frac{R(t)-R(t+\Delta t)}{\Delta t \cdot R(t)} \!</math>
over a time interval <math>\Delta t</math> = <math>(t_2-t_1)</math> from <math>t_1</math> (or <math>t</math>) to <math>t_2</math>. Note that this is a [[:en:conditional probability|conditional probability]], where the condition is that no failure has occurred before time <math>t</math>. Hence the <math>R(t)</math> in the denominator.
{{Indent|規定の条件下における特定の測定間隔の間に、あるアイテムの母集団内で起こった故障総数を、その集団が費やした合計時間で割ったもの。(MacDiarmid, et al.)}}
故障率 <math>\lambda (t)</math> は、しばしば時間 <math>t</math> 以前に故障がない場合に特定の間隔で故障が発生する[[確率]]と考えられがちだが、1を超えることもあるので実際には確率ではない。故障率を誤ってパーセント(%)で表現すると、特に修理可能なシステム、故障率一定型でないシステム、または動作時間が異なる複数のシステムについて測定する場合に、この尺度を正しく認識できない可能性がある。故障率 <math>\lambda (t)</math> は、[[信頼性関数]] <math>R(t)=1-F(t)</math> (時刻 <math>t</math> 以前に故障が発生しない確率。'''生存関数'''とも呼ばれる)を用いて次のように定義される。
::<math>\lambda(t) = \frac{f(t)}{R(t)}</math>,
ここに <math>f(t)</math> は(最初の)故障までの時間分布(すなわち故障密度関数)である。<math>t_1</math>(または <math>t</math>)から <math>t_2</math> までの時間区間 <math>\Delta t</math> = <math>(t_2-t_1)</math> において、
151 ⟶ 61行目:
ただし、これは[[条件付き確率]]であり、時間 <math>t</math> 以前に故障が発生していないことが条件である。そのため、分母には <math>R(t)</math> が含まれている。
Hazard rate and ROCOF (rate of occurrence of failures) are often incorrectly seen as the same and equal to the failure rate. To clarify; the more promptly items are repaired, the sooner they will break again, so the higher the ROCOF. The hazard rate is however independent of the time to repair and of the logistic delay time.
ハザード率(後述)とROCOF(rate of occurrence of failures、故障発生率)は、しばしば故障率と同じものと誤解されることがある{{clarify|date=April 2015}}。違いを明確にするならば、アイテムの修理が早ければ早いほど、またすぐに壊れるので、ROCOFは高くなる。しかし、ハザード率は、修復時間や物流遅延時間には依存しない。
== 連続的な意味での故障率 ==
[[File:Loglogistichaz.svg|thumb|right|300px|ハザード関数 <math>h(t)</math> を{{仮リンク|対数ロジスティック分布|en|Log-logistic distribution}}を選択してプロットした。]]
== 連続的な意味での故障率/Failure rate in the continuous sense ==
[[File:Loglogistichaz.svg|thumb|right|300px|Hazard function <math>h(t)</math> plotted for a selection of [[:en:log-logistic distribution|log-logistic distribution]]s.
ハザード関数 <math>h(t)</math> を{{仮リンク|対数ロジスティック分布|en|Log-logistic distribution}}を選択してプロットした。
]] Calculating the failure rate for ever smaller intervals of time results in the '''{{visible anchor|hazard function}}''' (also called '''hazard rate'''), <math>h(t)</math>. This becomes the ''instantaneous'' failure rate or we say instantaneous hazard rate as <math>\Delta t </math> approaches to zero:
:<math>h(t)=\lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{R(t)-R(t+\Delta t)}{\Delta t \cdot R(t)}.</math>
故障率をより小さな時間間隔で計算すると、'''{{visible anchor|ハザード関数}}'''(hazard function、'''ハザード率'''(hazard rate)とも呼ばれる) <math>h(t)</math> が得られる。<math>\Delta t </math> がゼロに近づくにつれて、これが、瞬間故障率(instantaneous failure rate)あるいは瞬間ハザード率(instantaneous hazard rate)と呼ばれるものになる。
:<math>h(t)=\lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{R(t)-R(t+\Delta t)}{\Delta t \cdot R(t)}.</math>
A continuous failure rate depends on the existence of a '''failure distribution''', <math>F(t)</math>, which is a [[:en:cumulative distribution function|cumulative distribution function]] that describes the probability of failure (at least) up to and including time ''t'',
:<math>\operatorname{Pr}(T\le t)=F(t)=1-R(t),\quad t\ge 0. \!</math>
where <math>{T}</math> is the failure time.
The failure distribution function is the integral of the failure [[:en:probability density function|''density'' function]], ''f''(''t''),
:<math>F(t)=\int_{0}^{t} f(\tau)\, d\tau. \!</math>
The hazard function can be defined now as
連続故障率は、時刻 ''<math>t</math>'' まで(少なくとも)の故障確率 <math>\operatorname{Pr}(T\le t)</math> を表す[[累積分布関数|累積分布型]]の'''故障分布関数''' <math>F(t)</math> に依存しており、
:<math>\operatorname{Pr}(T\le t)=F(t)=1-R(t),\quad t\ge 0 \!</math>
と表される。ここに <math>{T}</math> は故障時間である。
この故障分布関数は、故障密度関数 <math>f(t)</math> の積分で、
:<math>F(t)=\int_{0}^{t} f(\tau)\, d\tau \!</math>
[[File:Exponential pdf.svg|thumb|right|300px|Exponential failure density functions. Each of these has a (different) constant hazard function (see text).
Many probability distributions can be used to model the failure distribution (''see [[:en:List of probability distributions|List of important probability distributions]]''). A common model is the '''exponential failure distribution''',
:<math>F(t)=\int_{0}^{t} \lambda e^{-\lambda \tau}\, d\tau = 1 - e^{-\lambda t}, \!</math>
which is based on the [[:en:exponential distribution|exponential density function]]. The hazard rate function for this is:
:<math>h(t) = \frac{f(t)}{R(t)} = \frac{\lambda e^{-\lambda t}}{e^{-\lambda t}} = \lambda .</math>
[[File:Exponential pdf.svg|thumb|right|300px|指数型故障密度関数。これらはそれぞれ(異なる)一定型のハザード関数を持っている(本文参照)。]]
故障分布のモデル化においては、多くの確率分布を用いることができる({{仮リンク|確率分布のリスト|en|List of probability distributions}}を参照)。
231 ⟶ 92行目:
:<math>h(t) = \frac{f(t)}{R(t)} = \frac{\lambda e^{-\lambda t}}{e^{-\lambda t}} = \lambda </math>
Thus, for an exponential failure distribution, the hazard rate is a constant with respect to time (that is, the distribution is "[[:en:memorylessness|memory-less]]"). For other distributions, such as a [[:en:Weibull distribution|Weibull distribution]] or a [[:en:log-normal distribution|log-normal distribution]], the hazard function may not be constant with respect to time. For some such as the [[:en:deterministic distribution|deterministic distribution]] it is [[:en:monotonic|monotonic]] increasing (analogous to [[:en:Wear and tear|"wearing out"]]), for others such as the [[:en:Pareto distribution|Pareto distribution]] it is monotonic decreasing (analogous to [[:en:Burn-in|"burning in"]]), while for many it is not monotonic.
Solving the differential equation
for <math>F(t)</math>, it can be shown that
:<math>F(t) = 1 - \exp{\left(-\int_0^t h(t) dt \right)}.</math>
261 ⟶ 99行目:
:<math>F(t) = 1 - \exp{\left(-\int_0^t h(t) dt \right)}</math> であることがわかる。
== 故障率減少型 ==
== 故障率減少型/Decreasing failure rate ==
A decreasing failure rate (DFR) describes a phenomenon where the probability of an event in a fixed time interval in the future decreases over time. A decreasing failure rate can describe a period of "infant mortality" where earlier failures are eliminated or corrected and corresponds to the situation where λ(''t'') is a [[:en:decreasing function|decreasing function]].
Mixtures of DFR variables are DFR. Mixtures of [[:en:exponential distribution|exponentially distributed]] random variables are [[:en:Hyperexponential distribution|hyperexponentially distributed]].
故障率減少型(decreasing failure rate、DFR)とは、ある事象が将来の一定の時間間隔で発生する確率が、時間の経過とともに減少していく現象を表す。故障率減少型は、初期に起こる故障が解消または修正される「初期故障期間」を表すことができ<ref>{{Cite book | doi = 10.1007/978-1-84800-986-8_1 | chapter = Introduction | first = Maxim | last = Finkelstein| title = Failure Rate Modelling for Reliability and Risk | series = Springer Series in Reliability Engineering | pages = 1–84 | year = 2008 | isbn = 978-1-84800-985-1 }}</ref>、λ(t) が[[減少|減少関数]]である状況に対応する。
DFR変数の混合<!-- mixtures -->はDFRである<ref name="brown1980">{{Cite journal | last1 = Brown | first1 = M. | title = Bounds, Inequalities, and Monotonicity Properties for Some Specialized Renewal Processes | doi = 10.1214/aop/1176994773 | journal = The Annals of Probability | volume = 8 | issue = 2 | pages = 227–240 | jstor = 2243267| year = 1980 | doi-access = free }}</ref>。[[指数分布]]確率変数の混合は、{{仮リンク|超指数分布|en|Hyperexponential distribution}}である。
===Renewal processes===
For a [[:en:renewal process|renewal process]] with DFR renewal function, inter-renewal times are concave. Brown conjectured the converse, that DFR is also necessary for the inter-renewal times to be concave, however it has been shown that this conjecture holds neither in the discrete case nor in the continuous case.
=== 再生過程 ===
DFR再生関数を持った{{仮リンク|再生理論|en|Renewal theory|label=再生過程}}(renewal processes)では、再生間時間<!--inter-renewal times-->は凹になる<ref name="brown1980" /><ref name="shanthikumar">{{Cite journal | last1 = Shanthikumar | first1 = J. G. | doi = 10.1214/aop/1176991910 | title = DFR Property of First-Passage Times and its Preservation Under Geometric Compounding | journal = The Annals of Probability | volume = 16 | issue = 1 | pages = 397–406 | year = 1988 | jstor = 2243910| doi-access = free }}</ref>{{訳語疑問点|date=2021年10}}。Brownは逆に、再生間時間が凹になるためにはDFRが必要であると推測したが<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Brown | first1 = M. | title = Further Monotonicity Properties for Specialized Renewal Processes | doi = 10.1214/aop/1176994317 | journal = The Annals of Probability | volume = 9 | issue = 5 | pages = 891–895 | year = 1981 | jstor = 2243747| doi-access = free }}</ref>、この推測は離散的な場合<ref name="shanthikumar" />にも連続的な場合にも成り立たないことが示されている<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Yu | first1 = Y. | title = Concave renewal functions do not imply DFR interrenewal times | doi = 10.1239/jap/1308662647 | journal = Journal of Applied Probability | volume = 48 | issue = 2 | pages = 583–588 | year = 2011 | arxiv = 1009.2463 }}</ref>。
Increasing failure rate is an intuitive concept caused by components wearing out. Decreasing failure rate describes a system which improves with age.
Decreasing failure rates have been found in the lifetimes of spacecraft, Baker and Baker commenting that "those spacecraft that last, last on and on." The reliability of aircraft air conditioning systems were individually found to have an [[:en:exponential distribution|exponential distribution]], and thus in the pooled population a DFR.
=== 用途 ===
故障率増加型(Increasing failure rate、IFR)は、部品が消耗することによって起こる直感的な概念である。故障率減少型(DFR)は、経年変化によって改善されるシステムを表す<ref name="proschan" />。宇宙船の寿命においても故障率減少型が見られ、Baker and Bakerは『最後に残ったこれらの宇宙船は、延々と続く。』("These spacecraft that last, last on and on.")とコメントしている<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Baker | first1 = J. C. | last2 = Baker | first2 = G. A. S. . | doi = 10.2514/3.28040 | title = Impact of the space environment on spacecraft lifetimes | journal = Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | volume = 17 | issue = 5 | pages = 479 | year = 1980 | bibcode = 1980JSpRo..17..479B }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book | doi = 10.1002/9781119994077.ch1 | chapter = On Time, Reliability, and Spacecraft | first1 = Joseph Homer | last1 = Saleh | first2 =Jean-François | last2 =Castet| title = Spacecraft Reliability and Multi-State Failures | pages = 1 | year = 2011 | isbn = 9781119994077 }}</ref>。航空機の空調システムの信頼性は、個々に[[指数分布]]を持つことが分かっており、プールされた母集団ではDFRとなる<ref name="proschan">{{Cite journal | last1 = Proschan | first1 = F. | title = Theoretical Explanation of Observed Decreasing Failure Rate | doi = 10.1080/00401706.1963.10490105 | journal = Technometrics | volume = 5 | issue = 3 | pages = 375–383 | jstor = 1266340| year = 1963 }}</ref>。
===Coefficient of variation===
When the failure rate is decreasing the [[:en:coefficient of variation|coefficient of variation]] is ⩾&nbsp;1, and when the failure rate is increasing the coefficient of variation is ⩽&nbsp;1. Note that this result only holds when the failure rate is defined for all t&nbsp;⩾&nbsp;0 and that the converse result (coefficient of variation determining nature of failure rate) does not hold.
=== 変動係数 ===
故障率が減少している場合、[[変動係数]] ⩾&nbsp;1 であり、故障率が増加している場合、変動係数 ⩽&nbsp;1 である<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Wierman | first1 = A. | author-link1 = Adam Wierman| last2 = Bansal | first2 = N. | last3 = Harchol-Balter | first3 = M.|author3-link=Mor Harchol-Balter | title = A note on comparing response times in the M/GI/1/FB and M/GI/1/PS queues | doi = 10.1016/S0167-6377(03)00061-0 | journal = Operations Research Letters | volume = 32 | pages = 73–76 | url = http://users.cms.caltech.edu/~adamw/papers/fbnote.pdf| year = 2004 }}</ref>。この結果は、すべての t&nbsp;⩾&nbsp;0 <ref>{{cite book | title = Analysis of Queues: Methods and Applications | first = Natarajan | last =Gautam | publisher = CRC Press | year = 2012 | page = 703 | isbn = 978-1439806586}}</ref>に対して故障率が定義されている場合にのみ成立し、逆の結果(変動係数が故障率の性質を決める)は成立しない。
Failure rates can be expressed using any measure of time, but '''hours''' is the most common unit in practice. Other units, such as miles, revolutions, etc., can also be used in place of "time" units.
Failure rates are often expressed in [[:en:engineering notation|engineering notation]] as failures per million, or 10<sup>−6</sup>, especially for individual components, since their failure rates are often very low.
The '''Failures In Time''' ('''FIT''') rate of a device is the number of failures that can be expected in one [[:en:1000000000 (number)|billion]] (10<sup>9</sup>) device-hours of operation.
(E.g. 1000 devices for 1 million hours, or 1 million devices for 1000 hours each, or some other combination.) This term is used particularly by the [[:en:semiconductor|semiconductor]] industry.
The relationship of FIT to MTBF may be expressed as: MTBF = 1,000,000,000 x 1/FIT.
=== 単位 ===
333 ⟶ 128行目:
:MTBF = 1,000,000,000 × 1/FIT
Under certain [[:en:engineering|engineering]] assumptions (e.g. besides the above assumptions for a constant failure rate, the assumption that the considered system has no relevant [[:en:Redundancy (engineering)|redundancies]]), the failure rate for a complex [[:en:system|system]] is simply the sum of the individual failure rates of its components, as long as the units are consistent, e.g. failures per million hours. This permits testing of individual components or [[:en:subsystem|subsystem]]s, whose failure rates are then added to obtain the total system failure rate.
Adding "redundant" components to eliminate a [[:en:single point of failure|single point of failure]] improves the mission failure rate, but makes the series failure rate (also called the logistics failure rate) worse—the extra components improve the mean time between critical failures (MTBCF), even though the mean time before something fails is worse.
=== 加法性 ===
353 ⟶ 142行目:
[https://www.quanterion.com/mission-reliability-and-logistics-reliability-a-design-paradox/ "Mission Reliability and Logistics Reliability: A Design Paradox"].
Suppose it is desired to estimate the failure rate of a certain component. A test can be performed to estimate its failure rate. Ten identical components are each tested until they either fail or reach 1000 hours, at which time the test is terminated for that component. (The level of statistical [[:en:confidence interval|confidence]] is not considered in this example.) The results are as follows:
Estimated failure rate is
: <math>\frac{6\text{ failures}}{7502\text{ hours}} = 0.0007998\, \frac{\text{failures}}{\text{hour}} = 799.8 \times 10^{-6}\, \frac{\text{failures}}{\text{hour}}, </math>
or 799.8 failures for every million hours of operation.
=== 計算例 ===
372 ⟶ 150行目:
== 参照項目 ==
== 参照項目/See also ==
{{Div col|colwidth=22em}}
*[[:en:Annualized failure rate|Annualized failure rate]]
*[[:en:Failure mode|Failure mode]]
*[[:en:Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis|Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis]]
*[[:en:Force of mortality|Force of mortality]]
*[[:en:Frequency of exceedance|Frequency of exceedance]]
*[[:en:Reliability engineering|Reliability engineering]]
*[[:en:Reliability theory|Reliability theory]]
*[[:en:Reliability theory of aging and longevity|Reliability theory of aging and longevity]]
*[[:en:Survival analysis|Survival analysis]]
*[[:en:Weibull distribution|Weibull distribution]]
{{div col end}}
{{Div col|colwidth=22em}}
* {{ill2|年間故障率|en|Annualized failure rate}}
* {{ill2|バーンイン|en|Burn-in}}
412 ⟶ 165行目:
{{div col end}}
== 脚注/References ==
== 推薦文献/Further reading ==
430 ⟶ 183行目:
*{{cite book |last=Kapur |first=K. C. |last2=Lamberson |first2=L. R. |year=1977 |title=Reliability in Engineering Design |pages=8–30 |publisher=John Wiley & Sons |location=New York |isbn=0471511919 }}
*{{cite journal |last=Knowles |first=D. I. |year=1995 |title=Should We Move Away From 'Acceptable Failure Rate'? |journal=Communications in Reliability Maintainability and Supportability |volume=2 |issue=1 |page=23 |publisher=International RMS Committee, USA }}
*{{cite book |last=MacDiarmid |first=Preston |last2=Morris |first2=Seymour |date=n.d. |title=Reliability Toolkit |edition=Commercial Practices |pages=35–39 |publisher=Reliability Analysis Center and Rome Laboratory |location=Rome, New York |display-authors=etal}}
*{{cite book |last=Modarres |first=M.|author-link=Mohammad Modarres |last2=Kaminskiy |first2=M. |last3=Krivtsov |first3=V. |year=2010 |title=[[:en:Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide|Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide]] |edition=2nd |publisher=CRC Press |isbn=9780849392474 }}
*{{cite journal |url=http://www.mitre.org/work/best_papers/02/mondro_approx/mondro_approx.pdf |last=Mondro |first=Mitchell J. |date=June 2002 |title=Approximation of Mean Time Between Failure When a System has Periodic Maintenance |journal=IEEE Transactions on Reliability |volume=51 |issue=2 |pages= 166–167|doi= 10.1109/TR.2002.1011521}}
437 ⟶ 190行目:
*U.S. Department of Defense, (1991) ''Military Handbook, “Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment, MIL-HDBK-217F, 2''
== 外部リンク/External links ==
*[http://www.asq.org/reliability/articles/bathtub.html Bathtub curve issues], ASQC
*[http://lamspeople.epfl.ch/kirrmann/Pubs/FaultTolerance/Fault_Tolerance_Tutorial_HK.pdf ''Fault Tolerant Computing in Industrial Automation''] by Hubert Kirrmann, ABB Research Center, Switzerland