「海軍元帥 (ソ連)」の版間の差分

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en:Admiral_of_the_Fleet_(USSR), rev.21:25, 29 October 2006, ed. by en:user: - ソ連海軍の階級。第2位。{{翻訳中}}
The rank of '''Admiral of the Fleet 海軍元帥''' ([[Russian language|Russian]]: (かいぐんげんすい、露:''Admiral Flota'', Адмирал флота ) was the highest naval rank'''、英:Admiral of the [[Soviet Union]] from Fleet)は、[[1940]] to から[[1955]] and second-highest from までのソビエト連邦海軍の最高階級であり、[[1962]].からは最高位に次ぐ階級。
The rank has rather confusing history. It was first created by the Decree of the [[Presidium of the Supreme Soviet]] in 1940 as an equivalent to [[General of the Army (USSR)|General of the Army]], but was not used until [[1944]], when [[Ivan Isakov]] and [[Nikolai Kuznetsov]] were promoted to the rank.
The rank was abolished in March [[1955]] with the creation of largely honorary [[Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union]] but restored in 1962 as second-high navy rank. Holders of the ranks were given a smaller ''[[Marshal's Star]]'' since then.
According to Kuznetsov, the rank was conferred on him by [[Joseph Stalin]] in May [[1944]].
In [[1948]] Kuznetsov was demoted two grades to the rank of Counter Admiral. Soon before Stalin's death, however, Kuznetsov was again restored as ''Admiral of the Fleet'' and was among the two Admirals to receive the rank of ''Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union'' upon its official creation in [[1955]], the other one again being [[Ivan Isakov]].
==See also関連項目==
* [[Admiral of the Fleet 海軍元帥_(Russiaロシア)]]
* [[軍隊における階級呼称一覧]]
* [[Russian military ranks]]
* [[Admiral of the Fleet]]
[[Category:Soviet admirals]]
[[en:Admiral of the Fleet (USSR)]]