
ウィキペディアの内容の「所有権」といった場合、二つの側面があります: 支配と法的な所有権です。

There are two separate sides to the question of ownership of Wikipedia content: Control and legal ownership.

Template:Associations/Wikipedia Bad Things


==Control of Wikipedia articles==


First, there's control of the content. Some contributors feel very possessive about material (be it categories, templates, articles, images or portals) they have donated to this project. Some go so far as to defend them against all intruders.


It's one thing to take an interest in an article that you maintain on your watchlist. Maybe you really are an expert or you just care about the topic a lot. But when this watchfulness crosses a certain line, then you're overdoing it.


You can't stop everyone in the world from editing "your" stuff, once you've posted it to Wikipedia. As each edit page clearly states:
If you don't want your material to be edited mercilessly or redistributed by others, do not submit it. [emphasis added]

もし削除や差戻しなどの合戦に陥ってしまったとお気づきになったら、編集作業をしばらくお休みになるのはいかがでしょうか。おなじことの繰り返しから離れればこそ冷静にもなれるものです。1, 2週間休みんで、新たな気分で再度参加してください。

If you find yourself warring with other contributors over deletions, reversions and so on, why not take some time off from the editing process? Taking yourself out of the equation can cool things off considerably. Take a fresh look a week or two later.


Or if someone else is claiming "ownership" of a page, you can bring it up on the associated talk page. Appeal to other contributors, or consider the dispute resolution process.


Believing that an article has an owner of this sort is a common mistake people make on Wikipedia.


Although working on an article does not entitle one to "own" the article, it is still important to respect the work of your fellow contributors. When making large scale removals of content, particularly content contributed by one editor, it is important to consider whether a desirable result could be obtained by working with the editor, instead of against him or her - regardless of whether he or she "owns" the article or not. See also Wikipedia:Civility, Wikipedia:Etiquette and Wikipedia:Assume good faith.


Legal ownership of text


Second, there's the question of legal ownership, which is where copyright law applies.

よく思われていることとは異なり、ウィキペディアの項目は著作権によって保護されています。しかし、コピーは違法であるということではないのです。文章(或はその他の創作物)の著者、法的には「著作権者」は、他者に対して文章上の権限を与えることができます。これらの権限は「ライセンス」において明文化されています。項目(自作の写真、画像も当然含まれます)をウィキペディアに送信することで、投稿者はその内容をGNU Free Documentation License、略してGFDLによってライセンスすることを認めたこととなります。GFDLは、必要な要求(著者の明示など)を満たしさえすれば、地球上のだれにも、コピーし、改変する権利を与えるものです。項目を投稿しても著作権を放棄することにはなりませんが、一方で、GFDLに明記された権限を認めて投稿したのですから、項目の改変を妨げることはできません。

Contrary to popular belief, Wikipedia articles are copyrighted. However, this does not mean that they are illegal to copy. The author – legally called the "copyright holder" – of a text (or any other creative work) can grant rights over the text to other people. These rights are codified in a license. By submitting an article (or indeed a self-made photograph, drawing, diagram or other image) to Wikipedia, a contributor agrees to licensing their work under the GNU Free Documentation License, or GFDL for short, which grants everyone else on the planet the right to copy and modify the text provided they fulfill certain requirements (such as author attribution). Submitting an article does not surrender the author's copyright, but at the same time, the author cannot prohibit modifications to it because the author has granted the rights codified in the GFDL.

ある項目を誰かが編集したとすると、その「誰か」は「派生著作物」を作ったことになります。そのひとは新しい版の著作権保持者ですが、新しい版はGFDLによってライセンスされた古い版に基づいていて、GFDLの要求を満たす必要があるため、自分がその新しい版の唯一の著者であるかのように振るまうことはできません。このプロセスは永遠に繰り返されます: どれほど多くの編集がその項目に加えられようと、たとえ100番目の編集であっても初版のライセンスで決められた要求に従わねばならないのです。

When someone makes an edit to an article, that someone has created what is called a "derivative work". He or she is the copyright holder of the new version, but since the new version is based on the old version, which was licensed to them under the GFDL, he or she is bound to the requirements of the GFDL, and thus they cannot act as if he or she were the sole author of the new version. This carries on indefinitely: no matter how many edits are made to an article, even the hundredth revision is still subject to the requirements determined by the licence of the first revision.


In summary, the author(s) of an article are legally the "copyright holders" and could thus be regarded as the "owners", but since they cannot prohibit modifications, it could also be said that everyone "owns" every article in the sense that everyone has the right to copy or improve them.


It should be mentioned at this point that the copyright holder of a creative work retains full rights to it and is not subject to any requirements even if he or she licenses their work under the GFDL (for example, the author does not need to attribute themselves as the author if he or she is the only one). The author can license the same work again under any other licence – and indeed many Wikipedians agree to licensing their work under one or more further licences in addition to the GFDL – or he or she can even surrender their copyright (immediately or later), thereby suddenly removing the GFDL's requirements and allowing things that were previously forbidden (such as copying the text without author attribution). When a text has no copyright attached to it (because the author surrendered it or it expired), the text becomes "public domain", which means that anyone can do with it whatever he or she likes.




===Don't sign what you don't own===


Since no one "owns" any part of any article, if you create or edit an article, you should not sign (~~~~) it. On the other hand, when adding comments, questions, or votes to back end pages, like "Talk" pages, it is good to "own" your text, so the best practice is to sign it. For more editing "do"s and "don't"s, you might want to go through the brief Tutorial. At least with existing pages, you can get an idea of where it's appropriate to add your signature by noting what previous contributors have done.


==See also==


==External link==