
最新のコメント:2 か月前 | 投稿者:Mariobanana

Good evening

I had modified (your site which included errors in particular concerning Francis Perrin). I proposed a text (which was referenced) to explain the various stages that led to the discovery of the Oklo reactors. I'd like to know why it wasn't accepted.

I am unable to express myself in your language.

I look forward to receiving your reply.--JFZ0413会話2024年5月19日 (日) 16:40 (UTC)返信

This is the Japanese version of Wikipedia. Do not remove original sentences with sources. DO NOT USE machine translation because it is too low quality. Please ask for native speakers before your edit(places like Wikipedia:Help for Non-Japanese Speakers).--Mariobanana会話2024年5月19日 (日) 18:02 (UTC)返信
DO NOT edit before the end of discussion.
There are problems in your edits, example of the deletion of original sentence deletions, poor translation. DO NOT DELETE original sentences. If it is better to remove the original text, please explain the reason here.
Ihave visited your user page, your edits seem to be for advertising purpose? DO NOT edit this article for your own promotion. If you ignore the discussion, I'll report you as using the article for incorrect purpose.--Mariobanana会話) 2024年5月21日 (火) 10:07 (UTC) --Mariobanana会話2024年5月21日 (火) 10:11 (UTC)返信