
最新のコメント:2 年前 | トピック:改名提案 | 投稿者:226度

Japanese war prisoners in Karaganda in 1947-1948


This is a request for information. Do you know anything about a large group of Japanese POWs kept in the camps in Karaganda, Kazakhstan in 1948? They have staged a strike, which was resolved only after a high commission from the soviet government was sent.

We know that the leader was a colonel, the highest rank among the prisoners kept there, but we don't know even his name. Apparently, the Japanese government and the families of POWs were sending regularly quantities of rice for the prisoners, because the Soviets would not otherwise give them rice. However, since 1947, due to the fact that in USSR was shortage of food, the prisoners stopped receiving it. They were told that Japan was not supplying it any longer. After about one year of protests, the POWs found confirmation that all this was a lie, and when their last appeal was rejected, they staged the strike, by blocking the entrance to the mine in which they were working. Some POWs committed seppuku, but then the Russians confiscated their little knives. Since the local chiefs of guards refused to bring a commission from Moscow and told the Japanese that they lost the war and can not die as heros like Russians, the Japanese colonel asked for 20 volonteers. He ordered them one by one to jump into the mine, and told the guard something like "Can you die the same way for your country?". The Soviet guards were shoked, and at number 19 gave up and agreed to inform Moscow. The commission came and the Japanese requests were satisfied.

We came upon this incident because apparently at the time, in the Soviet GULag system this example was known as one instance when united prisoners achieved their goal, and NKVD had to give up. The existence of these examples was a major cause of the Vorkuta uprising, the major strike of the prisoners in USSR, where apparently 250.000 people of different countries took part. Unfortunately all we know about the incident in Karaganda is from what former prisoners published (the version I have just given is from the recollections of a Romanian officer who was a POW).

Can you, please, help us find more information: when exactly this happened, the name of the colonel, the agreement about the supply of rice for prisoners between Japan and USSR, any other information that you think is related. Also, if you find more sourses. If you know or find something, please tell us at this discussion. Thank you, en:User:Dc76 ro:User:Dc76.




  • 内村剛介「ソ連行刑用語物語-2-二〇世紀は収容所の時代--計画的集団殺戮の組織-グラーグ」日本及日本人 (1562), p24-32, 1981、
  • アプルボーム、川上洸訳「グラーグ―ソ連集中収容所の歴史」白水社 (2006)
  • グラーグ』 - コトバンク
  • 村井淳「ソ連における強制労働と建設」関西外国語大学研究論集91号p118
  • ニコラ・ヴェルト、根岸隆夫訳『共食いの島 スターリンの知られざるグラーグ』(2019年、みすず書房)--226度会話2022年4月14日 (木) 13:10 (UTC)返信
  賛成 日本語文献で「グラーグ」が優勢なのは明らかであり、改名に賛成します。--会話2022年4月20日 (水) 09:42 (UTC)返信
  報告改名しました。--226度会話2022年4月22日 (金) 15:41 (UTC)返信