ロンドン革命協会(ロンドンかくめいきょうかい、英語: London Revolution Society)は1788年に設立された組織であり、名目上の目的は1688年の名誉革命ウィリアム3世100年記念英語版だったが、実態は1790年代のグレートブリテン王国で活動した急進主義組織の1つだった。同様の組織はシェフィールドとともにイギリスにおけるジャコビニズムの中心地とされるノリッジなど各地にも設立された[1]




  1. ^ Brown, Richard. Church and state in modern Britain, 1700-1850.
  2. ^ White, Daniel E. Early Romanticism and religious dissent, p. 214.
  3. ^ Ronalds, B.F. (2018年2月). “Peter Finch Martineau and his Son” (英語). The Martineau Society Newsletter 41: 10-19. 
  4. ^ An abstract of the history and proceedings of the Revolution Society London, England 1789 "At a Meeting of the Committee of the Revolution Society, Friday 19th Dec 1788, at the London Tavern. ... who shall be desirous of being admitted a Member of this Society, shall be sent to the Secretary, signed by two Members."
  5. ^ Micah Alpaugh, "The British Origins of the French Jacobins: Radical Sociability and the Development of Political Club Networks," European History Quarterly (Fall 2014).
  6. ^ Daniel E. White: "After 1792 the source of oppositionist discourse shifted from the London Revolution Society to the LCS and SCI."
  7. ^ Fremont-Barnes, Gregory. Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Revolutions and New ... (2007), p. 423. "The London Corresponding Society was to be the most influential and the longest-surviving radical society in Britain in the 1790s."