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世界祖語(せかいそご、英: Proto-world language)または人類祖語(じんるいそご、英: Proto-human language)とは世界の全語族の最も近い共通祖先として想定される言語。
言語 | 誰? | 何? | 2 | 水 | 1/指 | 腕(1) | 腕(2) | 曲げる/膝 | 髪 | 女性器 | におい/鼻 |
コイサン諸語 | ǃkū | ma | ǀkam | k´´ā | ǁkɔnu | ǁkū | ǂhā | ǁgom | ǀkʼū | ǃkwai | č’ū |
ナイル・サハラ語族 | na | de | ball | nki | tok | kani | boko | kutu | sum | buti | čona |
ニジェール・コンゴ語族 | nani | ni | bala | engi | dike | kono | boko | boŋgo | butu | ||
アフロ・アジア語族 | k(w) | ma | bwVr | akʼʷa | tak | ganA | bunqe | somm | put | suna | |
南コーカサス語族 | min | ma | yor | rtˢʼqʼa | ert | tʼotʼ | qe | muql | toma | putʼ | sun |
ドラヴィダ語族 | yāv | yā | iraṇṭu | nīru | birelu | kaŋ | kay | meṇḍa | pūṭa | počču | čuṇṭu |
ユーラシア大語族 | kʷi | mi | pālā | akʷā | tik | konV | bhāghu(s) | bük(ä) | punče | pʼutʼV | snā |
デネ・コーカサス大語族 | kʷi | ma | gnyis | ʔoχʷa | tok | kan | boq | pjut | tˢʰām | putʼi | suŋ |
オーストリック大語族 | o-ko-e | m-anu | ʔ(m)bar | namaw | ntoʔ | xeen | baɣa | buku | śyām | betik | iǰuŋ |
インド・太平洋大語族 | mina | boula | okho | dik | akan | ben | buku | utu | sɨnna | ||
オーストラリア諸語 | ŋaani | minha | bula | gugu | kuman | mala | pajing | buŋku | puda | mura | |
アメリンド大語族 | kune | mana | pʼāl | akwā | dɨkʼi | kano | boko | buka | summe | butie | čuna |
- ku = 誰
- ma = 何
- pal = 2
- akʷa = 水
- tik = 指
- kanV = 腕
- boko = 腕
- buŋku = 膝
- sum = 髪
- putV = 女性器
- čuna = 鼻・におい
編集- Bengtson, John D. and Merritt Ruhlen. 1994. "Global etymologies." In Ruhlen 1994a, pp. 277–336.
- Bengtson, John D. 2007. "On fossil dinosaurs and fossil words."
- Campbell, Lyle, and William J. Poser. 2008. Language Classification: History and Method. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Edgar, Blake. 2008 "Letter from South Africa." Archaeology 61.2, March–April 2008.
- Gell-Mann, Murray and Merritt Ruhlen. 2003. "The origin and evolution of syntax." (Also: HTML version.)
- Givón, Talmy. 1979. On Understanding Grammar. New York: Academic Press.
- Greenberg, Joseph. 1963. "Some universals of grammar with particular reference to the order of meaningful elements." In Universals of Language, edited by Joseph Greenberg, Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 58–90. (In second edition of Universals of Language, 1966: pp. 73–113.)
- Greenberg, Joseph H. 1966. The Languages of Africa, revised edition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (Published simultaneously at The Hague by Mouton & Co.)
- Greenberg, Joseph H. 1971. "The Indo-Pacific hypothesis." Reprinted in Joseph H. Greenberg, Genetic Linguistics: Essays on Theory and Method, edited by William Croft, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. 1987. Language in the Americas. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. 2000-2002. Indo-European and Its Closest Relatives: The Eurasiatic Language Family. Volume 1: Grammar. Volume 2: Lexicon. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Klein, Richard G. and Blake Edgar. 2002. The Dawn of Human Culture. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
- McDougall, Ian, Francis H. Brown, and John G. Fleagle. 2005. "Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia." Nature 433.7027, 733–736.
- Ruhlen, Merritt. 1994a. On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Ruhlen, Merritt. 1994b. The Origin of Language: Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
- Saussure, Ferdinand de. 1986. Course in General Linguistics, translated by Roy Harris. Chicago: Open Court. (English translation of 1972 edition of Cours de linguistique générale, originally published in 1916.)
- Trombetti, Alfredo. 1905. L'unità d'origine del linguaggio. Bologna: Luigi Beltrami.
- Trombetti, Alfredo. 1922-1923. Elementi di glottologia, 2 volumes. Bologna: Zanichelli.
- Wells, Spencer. 2007. Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic.
- White, Tim D., B. Asfaw, D. DeGusta, H. Gilbert, G.D. Richards, G. Suwa, and F.C. Howell. 2003. "Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia." Nature 423:742–747.