青木 健二(あおき けんじ、1968年)は、日本の写真家。東京都出身。 ニューヨークを活動の拠点としている。幾何学的、分析的な視点によるStill Life(静物)を専門とする写真家

出生地 東京都
芸術分野 写真
出身校 桑沢デザイン研究所
ウェブサイト www.aokiphoto.com



クラフトデザイナーである伯父の芳武茂介からデッサンを学び、桑沢デザイン研究所に入学し、バウハウスのデザイン理念を学ぶ中、カジミール・マレーヴィチ無対象の世界(NON OBJECTIVE WORLD)』に出会い、多大な影響を受ける。『無対象』という東洋における禅や自然哲学のような芸術、0の概念に突き動かされ、写真を通して、形あるものから『無対象』を探し求めるようになる。1993年より、東京を拠点にスティルライフフォトグラファーとして活動を始め、独特の色彩感覚やミニマリズムによる力強く繊細な作風が評価される。2008ニューヨークのフォトグラファーエージェントからオファーを受け、2010年、秋にニューヨークに拠点を移す。『The New York Times Magazine』『TIME』の表紙ならびにCover Storyを数多く手がけ、『THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE PHOTOGRAPHS』edited by Kathy Ryan,AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY』 に作品が選出されている。2021ドイツKehrer Verlag社から写真集:SPACEを出版。

2021 - SPACE : Kenji Aoki - 1997-2017, - Limited Edition of 750 Numbered copies. Publisher  : Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg; Texts: Sozita Goudouna

2011  -  The New York Times Magazine Photographs - edited by Kathy Ryan. Aperture Foundation

2003 -  Published a photography book “AGITO” by BALLS Corporation.



2020-TIME magazine. Treating COVID-19

2016-TIME magazine. Cover. What Barbie’s  new shape

2014-TIME magazine. Cover. Rotten Apples

2012-TIME magazine. Cover. The Future of Oil

2020-The New York Times Magazine. How Do You Know When Society Is About to Fall Apart?

2019-The New York Times Magazine. Cover. How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution

2016-The New York Times Magazine. Cover. Should We See Everything a Cop Sees?

2011-The New York Times Magazine. Cover. Sugar Toxic?

2010-The New York Times Magazine. Cover. Tuna’s End



2021- “Linear” exhibition Shanghai Jingheng 88 square

2021- “Linear” exhibition  Langkong Art Museum in 798 Art District.

2021 - THE RIGHT TO SILENCE? Curated by Sozita Goudouna

2009 - Gallery Sand - exhibition from 17 October to 19 December. Netherlands

2005 - Shiseido the 11th Design Exhibition produced images on the theme of “LIFE LINK”.

2013 - Communication Arts - Award of Excellence - Editorial.

2012 - Art Directors Club - 91st Annual Awards - Silver Award. Editorial

2012 - Art Directors Club - 91st Annual Awards - Silver Award. Advertising

2008 - Communication  Arts - Award of Excellence - 49th Annual Photography Exhibition -Editorial Series.

2008 - Communication  Arts - Award of Excellence - 49th Annual Photography Exhibition -Advertising.

2006 - Chunichi News Paper - The 15th round of advertisement award.



2023 - American Photography 40. DEEP FAKE. The New York Times

2022 - American Photography 39. TAIZO KURODA. Photo Book

2021 - American Photography 38. STILL LIFE 2020

2020 - American Photography 37. Civilizational Collapse.[1] The New York Times Magazine

2019 - American Photography 36. SPACE. What Is Beauty For. The New York Times Magazine

2017 - American Photography 32. STRESS. Real Simple

2016 / 2017 - Lürzer's Archive 200 BEST Ad Photographers Worldwide.

2014 / 2015 - Lürzer's Archive 200 BEST Ad Photographers Worldwide.

2013 - The Society of Publication Designers - 49th Photography Merit

2012 / 2013 - Lürzer's Archive 200 BEST Ad Photographers Worldwide.

2012 - American Photography 29.

2012 - The Society of Publication Designers - 48th Photography Merit.

2011 - The Society of Publication Designers - 47th Photography Merit.

2011 - PDN-Photo of the day - A daily selection by the editors of Photo District News.

2010 - The Society of Publication Designers- Rare Specimen N0. 1.

2010 / 2011 - Lürzer's Archive 200 BEST Ad Photographers Worldwide.

2009 - American Photography 26.

2008 - American Photography 25.

2006 / 2007 -  Lürzer's Archive 200 BEST Ad Photographers Worldwide.

2004 / 2005 -  Lürzer's Archive 200 BEST Ad Photographers Worldwide



2022- Kenji Aoki写真集『SPACE

2016 - The Daily Edit – Kenji Aoki: Real Simple

2013 - a PhotoEditor-Art Producers Speak : Kenji Aoki.

2013 - 10 minutes with KenjiAoki - Interviews with photographers still life.

2010 -  Interview Web magazine「SHOOTING}  Message From New York.

2010 - Commercial Photo - special featured for July issue.

2009 - Design & Life -special featured for issue 16.

2009 - Interviewed for Adobe Photoshop magazine vol.6.

2008 / 2009 - Commercial Photo Series- Lighting Technique.

2003 - Commercial Photo -Interview for July issue.


  1. ^ Ehrenreich, Ben (2020年11月4日). “How Do You Know When Society Is About to Fall Apart?” (英語). The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/04/magazine/societal-collapse.html 2024年5月16日閲覧。 

